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Cooking Hiscores: Records for 54bh


151. A Lunatic3,105
152. Dikke Dennis2,015
153. Also O11,489
154. I Twigman I1,050
155. Zwa810
156. Rough Ralph785
157. Frodus292
158. Slayosaur240
159. F8l150
160. Lyralei130
161. Papa Glock120
162. Notanaltacc110
163. Xck100
164. Carrot Thief60
165. Jack M52
166. Raaarrggghh15


151. Rngzeus400,000
152. Azeeryr396,600
153. K1ngo364,090
154. Regular Plan341,190
155. Bongoplayer8333,480
156. Raaarrggghh309,330
157. Kidchilly100282,800
158. Rafa197184,800
159. Nottradeable183,370
160. Mcrosty156,480
161. Cavs 2016153,152
162. Steve Brown147,765
163. Summonmyyak115,136
164. Zoopking78,887
165. New Mexico78,750
166. Frodus34,405
167. Strawhat0123,341
168. Em De Thuong21,000
169. Trebor14,060
170. Gero12,360
171. Wav File9,645
172. Tap23239,450
173. Jan The Man8,400
174. Lyralei5,190
175. Adder Chris4,336
176. Osrs Flippy2,811
177. Connectivity2,780
178. Dikke Dennis2,015
179. Also O11,729
180. Kisseh1,506


151. August1,478,415
152. Monoceross1,469,072
153. Ghostlygoku1,452,000
154. Jack M1,403,750
155. Bavaro111,272,115
156. Prodigy Wa1,252,723
157. Xck1,249,400
158. Xandayn1,214,220
159. Nizqa1,187,550
160. Notanaltacc1,179,794
161. Dyingtryingi1,117,999
162. Iron Nimma973,450
163. The Monkay898,000
164. Javier S816,000
165. New Mexico779,240
166. A Lunatic761,762
167. Astridican698,035
168. Not Noob632,523
169. Mtn Dewbie620,061
170. Cavs 2016619,084
171. Skymaan563,550
172. K1ngo563,217
173. Zwa556,768
174. Rafa197528,260
175. Trebor477,739
176. Nottradeable445,843
177. Regular Plan343,640
178. Carrot Thief330,717
179. Nice Costume275,435
180. Mcrosty220,400
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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