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Woodcutting Hiscores: Records for 54bh


61. Chatnoir1448,042
62. Drums Of War434,964
63. Venividivici418,795
64. Vaara410,585
65. Kaliya407,490
66. Hoch398,325
67. Kaiz394,999
68. Iron Swaffle383,600
69. U Girls Dtf369,884
70. Bwanascape362,454
71. Ricky James339,037
72. Pyramid338,625
73. Dikke Dennis335,856
74. Polskaz328,960
75. Grams318,774
76. Azeeryr311,332
77. Tupac276,935
78. Earl Vincent270,025
79. Embrionyc267,833
80. Ghostlygoku260,517
81. Chris Oneill254,100
82. Aquilex249,595
83. Cavs 2016247,625
84. Smacked241,134
85. Blue O233,625
86. Grad233,490
87. Inactive Acc217,770
88. A Heroforfun211,933
89. Kampta209,500
90. Osr208,420


61. Feed Forward1,632,784
62. Ninja Knight1,595,392
63. Voik1,532,310
64. Iron Steffer1,511,097
65. Mr Ironman071,505,095
66. Nip Flip1,503,242
67. Accountmain11,494,642
68. Hoch1,466,600
69. Afk The Bank1,454,260
70. Paulrat 31,421,771
71. Raaarrggghh1,377,100
72. Also O11,372,010
73. Pyramid1,366,257
74. Dikke Dennis1,350,688
75. Armed King1,266,315
76. Cavs 20161,201,800
77. U Girls Dtf1,201,505
78. Drums Of War1,192,857
79. Azeeryr1,181,566
80. Tupac1,178,628
81. Salvati0n1,082,431
82. Kaliya1,069,025
83. Em De Thuong1,062,983
84. Vaara991,152
85. Kaiz962,368
86. Bewear960,150
87. Aisles952,062
88. Grams861,093
89. Goh4n Ss2845,370
90. A Heroforfun830,493


61. Gambit Ghoul3,760,714
62. Ahrim Potter3,558,585
63. Trebor3,551,850
64. Azeeryr3,539,470
65. Bewear3,491,325
66. Drums Of War3,442,397
67. L733,358,735
68. Chris Oneill3,273,738
69. Paulrat 33,257,504
70. Mr Ironman073,194,555
71. Lord Mizi3,162,728
72. Pyramid3,023,682
73. Adder Chris2,985,759
74. Voik2,937,814
75. Ibn2,852,926
76. Heffe2,823,326
77. Newparis Ii2,776,722
78. Earlvincent2,730,574
79. Venividivici2,728,045
80. Salvati0n2,715,192
81. Fluffeh2,686,474
82. Also O12,661,721
83. Chatnoir12,600,284
84. Lacy2,586,899
85. Restlex2,553,334
86. Demi Defiant2,514,157
87. Frodus2,505,871
88. Romka2,495,707
89. Ninja Knight2,459,348
90. Hoch2,436,896
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Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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