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Woodcutting Hiscores: Records for Ascension Knights 120 PvM PvP



91. Coolee34,425
92. Snickerzbarz29,608
93. Yotaak27,660
94. Brad47715,946
95. Quido13,635
96. Water Boy11,584
97. Sir Userr11,070
98. Jarni Os6,360
99. Tickledu4,878
100. Etherealking4,545
101. Sprfeyenoord3,532
102. Farminherbs3,503
103. The Lever3,308
104. Juicy Jim Xd1,710
105. S B D600
106. Equations300
107. Superpuff175


91. Void Keeper276,791
92. Milk In Bags275,435
93. Third Party274,885
94. Elektro247,127
95. Jarni Os178,335
96. S T Y L E S177,380
97. Water Boy168,010
98. Adam Trask164,722
99. Quido164,590
100. Puff Herbs163,916
101. H1ghstr3ngth144,452
102. Zezma133,156
103. Brad477119,448
104. Rocked Pker114,825
105. Etherealking105,831
106. Theganjalord98,982
107. Sprfeyenoord96,998
108. Stormynight74,158
109. S B D71,150
110. Yotaak68,000
111. Blump Kin60,834
112. Mrj0shua56,732
113. Snickerzbarz29,608
114. Sprotato23,670
115. Superpuff9,196
116. Elyblueaudi4,405
117. The Lever3,308
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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