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Runecrafting Hiscores: Records for All Irons high level Slayer



211. Kushedout1,000
212. Not Len1,000
213. Ur A Narc1,000
214. Intel X1,000
215. Liberals Suk865
216. Uim Napkin844
217. Bed Thyme704
218. Greedy Af660
219. Ironredskull530
220. Ironbarcode520
221. Raveslave520
222. Syllaryn500
223. Sphynx God66
224. Hentai Girlz47
225. Nesboo25
226. Hc Tokin25
227. Todo Bien6


211. Korimaru N10,560
212. Iron Farmers10,100
213. Fe Hemi9,996
214. Domatrax7,563
215. Lilylittle7,191
216. Lady Cynder6,856
217. The Trihard6,313
218. I Care6,189
219. Shinypichu6,130
220. D Scim Hc5,635
221. Ironpnw5,576
222. Iron Manswer5,400
223. Uim Sweet5,110
224. Todo Bien5,040
225. Atlasrain1884,543
226. Not Len3,950
227. Optimal Goon2,042
228. Liberals Suk2,000
229. Skinny227451,955
230. Astrologist1,376
231. Navis Btw1,292
232. Iron Hazr1,203
233. Triple J Qc1,132
234. 19 181,109
235. Kushedout1,104
236. Ironbakedman1,090
237. Fe Aries1,062
238. Clxygn1,000
239. Iron Izmo1,000
240. Iron Brasii1,000
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP
  • Abyss Nats RC
  • Abyss Deaths RC
  • No souls RC

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