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Prayer Hiscores: Records for All Irons high level Slayer


61. Im Sofa331,959
62. I Manofiron329,036
63. Ironboink327,086
64. Zexa326,592
65. I R O N Noob322,604
66. Actually Bad321,049
67. Krelton313,371
68. Ho Od300,000
69. Iron K3300,000
70. Billybo300,000
71. Olly Men296,768
72. Lenthehen288,618
73. Syke Out283,095
74. Not At Thege261,828
75. Hmittens259,482
76. 0xbitcoin244,712
77. Hentai Girlz241,170
78. Huck Im Figh236,628
79. I Use The Ge229,588
80. Ineed2quitim226,720
81. Kevzara223,272
82. Smotsi203,876
83. Fe Ap200,883
84. Iron Hazr199,300
85. The Weenster182,296
86. Azoraha1175,748
87. Not Thnder164,572
88. Procatfister163,800
89. Tasty Pot153,960
90. Itiswedsdude152,208


61. Thegreatcuck683,865
62. Deadly Dooby683,596
63. Im Zoo673,344
64. Magewind668,265
65. 1101i645,210
66. Cordys Btw636,526
67. Not At Thege631,436
68. Ya Boi Sam585,630
69. Im Sofa585,594
70. Co Fe556,318
71. Zexa545,289
72. Irondurza538,288
73. Meepscoop516,835
74. I Am Gandalf512,025
75. Dracobringor509,830
76. Fe Ap507,776
77. Kahvikuppi506,663
78. Axeleebob499,032
79. Wheres My Pp498,559
80. Alexbradley482,983
81. Gengar Turds469,406
82. Wvy464,837
83. Actually Bad463,236
84. Mini Clawz460,564
85. G I L L E S457,842
86. Iron Fed452,750
87. Luktar Bajs451,955
88. Kevzara450,685
89. Hmittens443,986
90. Clns442,206


61. Iron Lincler1,275,966
62. Cyris Steel1,261,684
63. S4ddam1,245,241
64. Mr Feman1,230,440
65. Fe Ap1,181,089
66. Itiswedsdude1,144,803
67. Iron Fetz1,137,373
68. Alexbradley1,028,274
69. Iron Alpha1,024,444
70. Procatfister1,014,670
71. Forti997,941
72. D0nt Trade997,271
73. Not At Thege879,082
74. Ironize865,752
75. Iv N861,386
76. Iron Claus849,570
77. Bazy838,647
78. Ironbruski819,258
79. Wuu2813,871
80. Jfk Jr811,486
81. Ladyjan Btw772,983
82. Ho Od766,332
83. Uim Lamp744,181
84. Iron Fed733,639
85. 1101i731,776
86. Cordys Btw695,331
87. Ya Boi Sam690,919
88. Huck Im Figh687,249
89. Gengar Turds687,112
90. Deadly Dooby683,618
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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