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Hunter Hiscores: Records for All Irons Cooking Event

  |   Month ->

5 Minute

1. Shampoo1,002,790
2. Shampoe96,800
3. Lady Cynder34,496
4. Itiswedsdude11,520
5. Syke Out9,840
6. Bazy9,600
7. High Pirate9,360
8. Smotsi8,160
9. Tiega4,800
10. Aurizon4,800
11. Farseer Hat4,560
12. Kevzara4,560
13. 1101i4,080
14. Firelake4,080
15. Vhennypoo4,080
16. Iron Alpha4,080
17. Iron Hazr3,840
18. Iron Lubi3,840
19. Ogironmonkey1,596
20. Shinypichu801
21. Hibbs6700
22. Chonged530
23. Iron Wiseass336
24. S4ddam240
25. Fe Ap216
26. Iron Finasta168
27. Drbudhead151
28. Fe Hemi88
29. War Criminal56
30. Not Thnder44


1. Shampoo3,437,068
2. Shampoe1,612,515
3. Thepetgrind1,445,685
4. Iron Wiseass1,371,352
5. Shinypichu1,240,967
6. Firelake1,080,127
7. Bluntology1,069,275
8. Deadly Dooby1,067,216
9. Lady Cynder1,066,717
10. Toxicdabs4201,035,783
11. High Pirate1,033,795
12. Chonged956,070
13. Mobile Data939,877
14. Ozziah881,981
15. Farseer Hat877,840
16. 32 Kay836,505
17. Onecallbtw747,885
18. Ho Od727,860
19. Magewind720,005
20. Whats G651,274
21. Kalphiteking624,945
22. Huck Im Figh600,511
23. Exion548,040
24. Tztok Ham520,008
25. Ogironmonkey518,700
26. Aurizon497,298
27. Im Zoo477,630
28. Axeleebob477,564
29. Ya Boi Sam475,145
30. Katze Btw456,920


1. Shampoo15,897,798
2. Iron Wiseass6,664,995
3. Bluntology5,345,898
4. Toxicdabs4205,121,438
5. Firelake4,604,072
6. Lady Cynder4,516,055
7. Whats G4,494,315
8. Iron K34,441,582
9. Shampoe4,026,904
10. Mobile Data3,546,102
11. Chonged3,299,286
12. 32 Kay3,253,800
13. Ozziah3,021,859
14. 3 Cc2,904,740
15. Magewind2,865,975
16. Deadly Dooby2,704,682
17. Onecallbtw2,664,431
18. Farseer Hat2,638,560
19. Shinypichu2,555,868
20. Ogironmonkey2,229,747
21. Drbudhead2,213,234
22. Im Zoo2,205,560
23. Exion2,201,000
24. Thepetgrind2,038,345
25. Axeleebob1,956,075
26. Huck Im Figh1,936,900
27. Badphazz1,616,109
28. High Pirate1,509,651
29. Aurizon1,495,150
30. Katze Btw1,236,620
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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