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Slayer Hiscores: Records for Ween Time


1. The Ginga383,347
2. K Uz382,828
3. Orioles369,334
4. Theherbsack308,720
5. Scarrra296,530
6. Fallsresolve287,486
7. Oreeeoles278,088
8. D1sney271,315
9. Trisultan263,492
10. Fe Vapes261,891
11. Jon3zyy94175,738
12. Jordecai145,250
13. Ehpause140,237
14. Knrd133,790
15. Worldender129,620
16. Iron Resolve120,532
17. Vernon114,402
18. B I Q110,551
19. Dyzerio106,920
20. Seloiro85,680
21. Givemedoggos72,642
22. Merrycuckmas41,844
23. Johnnypants35,093
24. Complex Jh34,320
25. Pee Guy33,370
26. Chad Memeler32,077
27. Astral Run24,900
28. Two Blunts17,255
29. Krile14,982
30. Zero Bend8,339


1. The Ginga1,792,454
2. Orioles1,364,115
3. Ehpause1,294,371
4. K Uz1,261,990
5. Trisultan1,244,306
6. Oreeeoles1,129,652
7. Iron Resolve1,129,162
8. D1sney1,073,110
9. Dyzerio748,566
10. Fallsresolve741,067
11. Theherbsack698,366
12. Fe Vapes682,806
13. Jon3zyy94675,430
14. Jordecai626,125
15. Worldender618,540
16. Scarrra574,091
17. Givemedoggos538,954
18. Knrd529,949
19. Seloiro431,245
20. Johnnypants392,800
21. Krile386,306
22. Vernon369,539
23. Merrycuckmas280,140
24. Complex Jh244,914
25. B I Q205,315
26. Zero Bend165,790
27. Xeries163,321
28. Chad Memeler121,133
29. Two Blunts99,821
30. Pee Guy42,568


1. The Ginga5,402,457
2. K Uz4,167,221
3. Orioles4,025,295
4. Trisultan4,008,998
5. Ehpause3,078,644
6. D1sney3,071,793
7. Dyzerio2,793,479
8. Iron Resolve2,723,952
9. Jordecai2,549,127
10. Fallsresolve2,374,915
11. Jon3zyy942,291,316
12. Theherbsack2,227,233
13. Seloiro2,118,110
14. Oreeeoles1,894,674
15. Worldender1,743,264
16. Fe Vapes1,611,477
17. Givemedoggos1,573,097
18. Vernon1,345,784
19. Complex Jh1,172,149
20. Zero Bend1,124,550
21. Xeries1,072,374
22. Scarrra1,021,744
23. Chad Memeler957,006
24. B I Q873,413
25. Knrd684,122
26. Two Blunts638,822
27. Johnnypants574,266
28. Merrycuckmas506,200
29. Krile386,306
30. Astral Run238,074
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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