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Runecrafting Hiscores: Records for Ween Time


1. Astral Run1,048,809
2. Antwan573,154
3. Orioles495,940
4. K Uz495,389
5. Zero Bend447,516
6. Oreeeoles367,069
7. B I Q321,726
8. Two Blunts289,664
9. Trisultan284,209
10. Johnnypants200,643
11. The Ginga199,143
12. D1sney191,541
13. Vernon154,931
14. Seloiro114,537
15. Worldender81,809
16. Iron Resolve74,741
17. Scarrra70,000
18. Fe Vapes59,730
19. Dyzerio56,060
20. Fallsresolve47,500
21. Theherbsack45,612
22. Krile30,830
23. Jon3zyy9422,816
24. Knrd20,320
25. Merrycuckmas10,840
26. Givemedoggos8,000
27. Chad Memeler7,740
28. Jordecai2,055
29. Ehpause990


1. Antwan2,342,431
2. Astral Run2,316,207
3. K Uz2,236,174
4. Orioles1,882,534
5. Iron Resolve1,698,008
6. D1sney1,686,875
7. Zero Bend1,623,090
8. B I Q1,407,823
9. Johnnypants1,260,018
10. Oreeeoles1,095,087
11. The Ginga1,043,305
12. Two Blunts1,037,917
13. Trisultan729,507
14. Seloiro630,997
15. Dyzerio608,085
16. Vernon477,719
17. Merrycuckmas430,204
18. Fe Vapes410,701
19. Scarrra342,629
20. Ehpause316,278
21. Jon3zyy94230,620
22. Worldender99,262
23. Theherbsack83,199
24. Knrd82,859
25. Fallsresolve70,838
26. Jordecai53,224
27. Krile39,950
28. Givemedoggos34,690
29. Chad Memeler13,896
30. Xeries10,860


1. K Uz7,525,024
2. Zero Bend6,440,433
3. Orioles6,309,507
4. Antwan6,038,335
5. Astral Run5,062,467
6. Johnnypants4,063,098
7. Oreeeoles3,949,821
8. B I Q3,861,756
9. The Ginga3,841,771
10. Iron Resolve3,780,463
11. Two Blunts3,663,407
12. D1sney3,261,718
13. Jon3zyy942,607,597
14. Vernon1,781,296
15. Dyzerio1,726,488
16. Seloiro1,608,012
17. Trisultan1,279,938
18. Givemedoggos1,102,711
19. Merrycuckmas990,350
20. Theherbsack812,763
21. Fe Vapes724,457
22. Ehpause562,788
23. Scarrra549,522
24. Chad Memeler506,817
25. Worldender505,251
26. Jordecai428,125
27. Complex Jh291,537
28. Xeries255,896
29. Knrd153,419
30. Fallsresolve90,718
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP
  • Abyss Nats RC
  • Abyss Deaths RC
  • No souls RC

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