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Attack Hiscores: Records for 07 Altar CC


31. Scryed Knite113,816
32. Deadscare98,338
33. Twigbert94,452
34. Steel90,056
35. Rqq60,988
36. Shandog56,448
37. Huskar Wilde49,308
38. Mbr38,899
39. Lusfr38,452
40. Jalamanta36,647
41. Iamnotsharky26,199
42. Dying Words21,546
43. Arcane Blade20,008
44. Meteo8,984
45. Harudoku6,105
46. Rune Full G5,742
47. Immys5,475
48. Tuya4,091
49. Chey Loaf2,222
50. Ja Puh Knees1,368


31. Ohh I Member339,519
32. Just A Mango327,344
33. Shandog300,255
34. Stichtite291,582
35. Becky240,993
36. Steel229,949
37. Jalamanta218,792
38. Rune Full G200,056
39. Harudoku152,435
40. Meteo151,392
41. Huskar Wilde137,722
42. Mrs Toast116,151
43. Lusfr113,392
44. Ougai105,891
45. Immys98,773
46. Ja Puh Knees97,800
47. Dying Words72,296
48. Rqq60,988
49. Arcane Blade49,604
50. Tuya17,209
51. Chey Loaf4,120
52. Questgiver1,642


31. Rune Full G1,172,289
32. Midastku1,154,695
33. Iamnotsharky1,125,355
34. Daaan1,040,001
35. Mbr983,919
36. Shandog877,009
37. Ohh I Member847,059
38. Tuya665,457
39. Jalamanta639,943
40. Harudoku532,209
41. Steel453,578
42. Stichtite420,297
43. Just A Mango353,037
44. Dying Words260,474
45. Chey Loaf254,162
46. Lusfr218,028
47. Huskar Wilde141,317
48. Mrs Toast116,575
49. Ougai105,893
50. Questgiver92,836
51. Arcane Blade86,272
52. Rqq64,988
53. Wcing Sharks36,560
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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