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Smithing Hiscores: Records for Ascend 6 15 2018


181. Alyssal Whip50
182. Skroyter50
183. Rexx38
184. Energywaves25


181. Kentuckyblue25,000
182. Gojo22,120
183. Letheblaka21,530
184. Apumulator21,155
185. Wyler16,871
186. Murdocniccal15,332
187. Penta12,718
188. A Z12,276
189. Alien Daze9,540
190. Gye8,019
191. Doimakeuwet7,725
192. Soviet Patar6,283
193. Stoky4,257
194. Alyssal Whip4,043
195. Rawdney3,162
196. 3tv2,886
197. Djentalman2,531
198. Ipersia1,830
199. Lul Nerd1,512
200. Jlarge743
201. Veatrix575
202. Maage537
203. Ancient Mage500
204. Seas350
205. Lurtz337
206. Ozziewarrior325
207. Yens275
208. Swurd250
209. Rawjur200
210. D 3 S P 0 T175


181. Hello Sir493,817
182. Mr Champ490,369
183. Djentalman488,546
184. $35.00 Donator Asal480,063
185. Xmorten473,592
186. Leyto461,835
187. Gojo461,788
188. Brightonn437,994
189. Viator433,876
190. Dwarf Knife404,986
191. Energywaves370,481
192. Losing Nemo367,965
193. Kayak350,000
194. Onehalftank336,284
195. Alvaaro333,624
196. Instinctt318,915
197. Rearrange294,998
198. Gnome Sayin281,493
199. Timelymanner238,119
200. X Nufc206,864
201. Stickman0011194,176
202. Lul Nerd192,970
203. Toxic Luck187,250
204. U M K C165,566
205. Alpha Walrus80,025
206. Soviet Patar75,175
207. The Monkay67,195
208. Puffinz56,783
209. Alien Daze53,040
210. Luck Stat45,605
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP
  • Superheat

Player Group