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Herblore Hiscores: Records for Ascend 6 15 2018


181. Mccash1,683
182. Swurd1,580
183. Xmorten1,443
184. Kayak1,292
185. Timetoeat1,226
186. U God1,125
187. Letheblaka1,093
188. Trill I Am915
189. R Oro912
190. Iamasunshine859
191. D Sq741
192. Gojo684
193. Gye543
194. Etherion211
195. Viator198
196. Stickman0011168
197. Downland163
198. Penta107
199. Wyler8


181. Mccash40,030
182. Soviet Patar37,085
183. Timelymanner35,299
184. Ancient Mage34,447
185. Mongler34,104
186. Letheblaka32,980
187. U God31,000
188. Seas30,748
189. Swurd30,439
190. X Nufc29,302
191. Tektern27,016
192. Runitedabber22,770
193. Zymmlol22,108
194. Stoky20,769
195. Pantsless20,228
196. D Sq19,658
197. Pistoliftero17,711
198. Roll Sativa17,665
199. Io Jah Pul17,631
200. Veatrix16,433
201. Instinctt15,702
202. Sir Karhu12,513
203. Rawjur10,133
204. Gojo9,688
205. Viator9,335
206. U M K C8,133
207. Maage7,847
208. Lul Nerd7,064
209. Campus Crew6,152
210. Uki Skillz6,134


181. Iron Wok963,574
182. Carlos V935,591
183. Ipersia932,544
184. Your Senpai932,182
185. Daggotz919,660
186. Wuu892,017
187. Lul Nerd882,063
188. Nigtow Again744,459
189. Jlarge738,770
190. Gye730,193
191. Rexx641,144
192. Switch Dropz577,470
193. Dwarf Knife551,250
194. Arrowjoe520,410
195. The Monkay500,282
196. Gnome Sayin463,705
197. Alien Daze433,556
198. Rearrange427,267
199. Viator423,886
200. R Oro408,243
201. Runitedabber403,937
202. Synoxian357,317
203. Alyssal Whip356,812
204. Rawjur344,836
205. Ancient Mage308,990
206. Os Electro260,744
207. Puffinz235,361
208. Veatrix228,630
209. A Z215,463
210. U M K C212,127
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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