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Farming Hiscores: Records for Ascend 6 15 2018


151. Dwarf Knife67,529
152. Downland66,537
153. Rawdney62,944
154. Not Noob60,552
155. Relent1ess60,011
156. Saifphire58,917
157. Stickman001157,574
158. Mcdad57,217
159. Blgesus56,172
160. Wuu54,498
161. Energywaves47,600
162. Maage45,908
163. Synoxian43,065
164. Shb40,293
165. Daggotz38,769
166. Randomsaucer35,992
167. Trill I Am35,885
168. Doimakeuwet35,350
169. Murdocniccal35,112
170. Hello Sir31,902
171. Kentuckyblue30,064
172. Luck Stat27,937
173. Bogan Irl24,056
174. Diet Poke16,606
175. Timelymanner16,439
176. Paggit10,564
177. Thizz Or Die6,146
178. Stoky5,382
179. Meaty Donger5,339
180. Ozziewarrior4,859


151. Timetoeat338,096
152. Alyssal Whip335,032
153. Thizz Or Die327,960
154. Dreamer3 0325,679
155. Starda321,684
156. Daggotz298,105
157. Kentuckyblue294,087
158. Iamasunshine293,714
159. Pantsless291,250
160. Stickman0011276,394
161. D Sq267,295
162. Mcdad257,142
163. Iron Wok253,430
164. Leyto244,601
165. Energywaves242,134
166. Mongler240,169
167. Roll Sativa239,100
168. Bloodvayne85234,897
169. Trueth233,679
170. Mahanimal230,164
171. Uncoolman227,991
172. Randomsaucer223,314
173. Relent1ess219,523
174. Paggit217,560
175. Onehalftank211,431
176. Synoxian210,757
177. Saifphire207,990
178. Maage200,221
179. Murdocniccal196,758
180. Letheblaka195,325


151. Matjacko1,554,996
152. Iron Wok1,494,985
153. Dwugz1,440,221
154. Arcu1,392,445
155. Relent1ess1,390,293
156. Abn Texas1,389,982
157. Pinned1,371,301
158. Downland1,351,582
159. Zymmlol1,335,692
160. Ase91,328,025
161. Heavybowgun1,307,263
162. Carlos V1,297,068
163. Dreamer3 01,268,913
164. The Monkay1,249,356
165. Diet Poke1,223,386
166. Leyto1,216,184
167. Bogan Irl1,111,680
168. Alyssal Whip1,053,697
169. Luck Stat1,051,239
170. Cat Mandu1,050,207
171. Ipersia1,043,439
172. Not Noob1,002,682
173. Uncoolman993,045
174. Tektern991,908
175. Murdocniccal972,982
176. Ancient Mage931,703
177. Hello Sir900,229
178. Mahanimal894,443
179. Energywaves882,918
180. Viator852,631
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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