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Defence Hiscores: Records for Oblv 01 02 2018


121. Moic349,664
122. Ljpalmer346,754
123. Gurp Gork344,397
124. Puppadile343,310
125. Auntie Mabel342,482
126. $25.00 Donator Improv341,251
127. Angel Gundam340,193
128. El Yam332,516
129. Kletza331,727
130. Ultramafic328,808
131. Icy Lemons320,749
132. Mayhaps319,720
133. Topthrill316,821
134. Lleffe315,633
135. Zoobie308,650
136. Varex307,268
137. Cynosure305,448
138. Graphics299,622
139. Lazy Yoshi296,539
140. Pallas Cat292,423
141. Hexadecimal291,456
142. L4ma291,069
143. Lll288,837
144. Shebbi282,681
145. Zagz282,518
146. Enigmacoder279,968
147. Joshii279,499
148. Nikskill278,653
149. Pmy39277,101
150. Fudg3264,437


121. Vc1,279,307
122. Lazy Yoshi1,278,998
123. Pmy391,259,502
124. Angel Gundam1,227,488
125. Zorros1,226,549
126. Vallewest1,212,436
127. 0raf1,204,240
128. Fortress1,203,795
129. Brittanyx1,195,284
130. El Yam1,189,714
131. Puppadile1,188,602
132. Mayhaps1,176,907
133. $5.00 Donator Coventry1,172,313
134. Gorilla1,170,248
135. Home Slicer1,165,576
136. P4sk1,163,670
137. Setittowumbo1,150,605
138. Photonic1,129,295
139. Desert Fox11,122,779
140. Emce1,114,510
141. Lennie1,114,270
142. Nikskill1,108,013
143. Nox1de1,104,179
144. Zoobie1,078,380
145. Auntie Mabel1,076,580
146. Dryness1,075,470
147. Deuxth1,071,805
148. Zagz1,058,900
149. Koekenpan1,039,932
150. Coach Wright1,032,986


121. Peba3,204,606
122. Photonic3,204,328
123. Mike Hunt3,187,490
124. Puppadile3,165,101
125. 3pic Tanker3,157,367
126. El Yam3,153,034
127. Varex3,148,917
128. Tyrael3,082,104
129. Seapy3,068,758
130. Zorros3,054,648
131. Luk33,047,812
132. Unforgiven723,042,346
133. Shebbi3,028,968
134. Topthrill3,021,432
135. Icy Lemons3,010,289
136. Expro2,986,715
137. Ljpalmer2,957,966
138. Retro Pvm2,940,904
139. Home Slicer2,934,571
140. Why Play2,891,335
141. Appelkneuz2,881,452
142. Zagz2,868,556
143. Vc2,866,041
144. Angel Gundam2,857,996
145. Kletza2,828,505
146. Tecurt2,818,812
147. Coach Wright2,799,056
148. Nikskill2,773,930
149. Dryness2,769,037
150. Cynosure2,765,278
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Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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