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Smithing Hiscores: Records for NLCC



1. Time For Me5,822,825
2. Roenskeep5,378,712
3. Klojo1054,688,877
4. Ripped Abs3,585,400
5. Kwallie2,502,113
6. Fietsen1,640,349
7. Plankie1,253,277
8. Twistertjeee1,180,433
9. Rspsycho946,946
10. Polluxx753,348
11. Legend Nl737,764
12. Jappiejapo706,313
13. Planckske678,033
14. Exutor454,782
15. Jonnybak445,946
16. Erfelijk389,293
17. Beachmasters255,875
18. Runite Knoop192,688
19. Kierewiet168,750
20. Dutch Baws44,325
21. Iron Grolsch28,038
22. Droeftoeter25,000
23. Isnitchyou5,098
24. G1n00tj31,809
25. Brace1121,800
26. Knoop1,575
27. Jonko Koning1,346
28. Klojo103513
29. Steepumbra274
30. Godmiljaar148


1. Time For Me9,013,437
2. Planckske6,398,107
3. Klojo1056,279,303
4. Beachmasters6,276,325
5. Ripped Abs5,890,631
6. Roenskeep5,579,062
7. Jappiejapo4,792,308
8. Godmiljaar3,348,088
9. Kwallie2,594,388
10. Twistertjeee2,450,082
11. Rspsycho2,041,476
12. Fietsen1,957,349
13. Plankie1,510,362
14. Droeftoeter1,273,718
15. Erfelijk1,127,197
16. Brace112994,537
17. Polluxx870,542
18. Legend Nl748,386
19. Kierewiet648,670
20. Nl Andy Nl641,370
21. Nasty Fartss628,912
22. Exutor456,510
23. Jonnybak450,817
24. Steepumbra391,863
25. Iron Grolsch365,737
26. Runite Knoop358,415
27. G1n00tj3331,282
28. Knoop256,165
29. Isnitchyou203,291
30. Mhr V56,198


1. Ripped Abs12,552,817
2. Time For Me12,350,433
3. Klojo10512,120,011
4. Planckske8,546,225
5. Beachmasters8,167,470
6. Twistertjeee7,708,923
7. Roenskeep7,400,459
8. Jappiejapo7,388,948
9. Godmiljaar6,923,332
10. Rspsycho4,680,786
11. Plankie3,578,927
12. Brace1123,466,082
13. Kwallie3,163,669
14. Erfelijk2,310,406
15. Fietsen2,246,318
16. Droeftoeter2,048,721
17. Polluxx1,813,150
18. Jonnybak1,688,888
19. Runite Knoop1,044,570
20. Iron Grolsch991,316
21. Legend Nl774,867
22. Exutor739,719
23. Nasty Fartss698,800
24. Kierewiet692,252
25. Nl Andy Nl676,054
26. Steepumbra622,591
27. Isnitchyou615,130
28. G1n00tj3588,939
29. Knoop403,837
30. Peetjuuuuh177,819
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP
  • Superheat

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