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Slayer Hiscores: Records for NLCC



1. Roenskeep1,893,149
2. Godmiljaar1,588,756
3. Klojo1051,167,652
4. Ripped Abs1,035,892
5. Time For Me1,024,420
6. Dutch Baws1,024,398
7. Jappiejapo937,628
8. Plankie732,774
9. Planckske720,726
10. Beachmasters691,507
11. Twistertjeee687,339
12. Jonnybak667,547
13. Knoop606,138
14. Erfelijk546,426
15. Rspsycho513,942
16. Kwallie498,787
17. Runite Knoop474,329
18. Legend Nl460,129
19. Fietsen436,238
20. Klojo103353,603
21. Steepumbra326,626
22. Polluxx323,056
23. Droeftoeter318,012
24. Isnitchyou307,360
25. Kierewiet301,435
26. Iron Grolsch286,960
27. Exutor270,808
28. G1n00tj3214,868
29. Brace1129,600
30. Nasty Fartss960


1. Time For Me3,750,400
2. Planckske3,538,748
3. Roenskeep3,314,051
4. Klojo1053,027,292
5. Plankie2,996,679
6. Ripped Abs2,687,553
7. Godmiljaar2,566,764
8. Jappiejapo2,434,490
9. Jonnybak2,038,688
10. Erfelijk1,803,976
11. Beachmasters1,802,707
12. Dutch Baws1,790,716
13. Twistertjeee1,683,672
14. Rspsycho1,569,897
15. Steepumbra1,532,709
16. Kierewiet1,463,899
17. Brace1121,237,461
18. Legend Nl1,126,182
19. Kwallie1,106,255
20. Runite Knoop1,080,099
21. Nasty Fartss1,064,354
22. Iron Grolsch1,028,075
23. Klojo1031,017,494
24. Knoop879,960
25. Droeftoeter864,634
26. Exutor857,124
27. Fietsen768,661
28. Isnitchyou702,423
29. G1n00tj3542,084
30. Polluxx505,423


1. Time For Me12,956,802
2. Plankie11,085,040
3. Twistertjeee10,760,533
4. Beachmasters10,062,909
5. Klojo1059,984,100
6. Kierewiet9,572,696
7. Planckske9,485,632
8. Rspsycho9,417,012
9. Godmiljaar9,108,077
10. Dutch Baws9,081,122
11. Ripped Abs8,741,685
12. Jappiejapo8,169,911
13. Iron Grolsch7,067,592
14. Jonnybak6,968,270
15. Erfelijk6,279,272
16. Steepumbra6,234,046
17. Roenskeep5,753,200
18. Legend Nl4,803,165
19. Isnitchyou4,749,904
20. Brace1124,489,055
21. Nasty Fartss4,038,356
22. Exutor3,337,875
23. Klojo1033,230,107
24. Kwallie3,117,488
25. Runite Knoop3,084,973
26. Polluxx2,933,898
27. Droeftoeter2,794,656
28. G1n00tj32,189,582
29. Fietsen2,171,936
30. Nl Andy Nl2,087,647
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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