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Runecrafting Hiscores: Records for NLCC



1. Droeftoeter1,686,371
2. Roenskeep1,610,479
3. Time For Me1,430,518
4. Kwallie879,002
5. Klojo103876,712
6. Planckske801,925
7. Klojo105789,485
8. Twistertjeee698,946
9. Ripped Abs685,292
10. Dutch Baws573,600
11. Plankie501,744
12. Rspsycho440,642
13. Beachmasters401,728
14. Polluxx349,873
15. Jonnybak327,236
16. Legend Nl277,965
17. Fietsen260,168
18. Godmiljaar216,521
19. Knoop209,282
20. Runite Knoop153,291
21. Exutor80,373
22. Jappiejapo66,425
23. Isnitchyou49,828
24. Erfelijk48,548
25. Noturbisnis24,485
26. Iron Grolsch15,500
27. G1n00tj37,860
28. Kierewiet7,500
29. Steepumbra7,200


1. Time For Me5,874,297
2. Godmiljaar3,757,874
3. Klojo1052,497,445
4. Droeftoeter2,329,904
5. Twistertjeee2,252,728
6. Roenskeep1,940,902
7. Ripped Abs1,929,449
8. Planckske1,810,109
9. Beachmasters1,482,662
10. Kwallie1,462,063
11. Klojo1031,224,206
12. Dutch Baws1,136,677
13. Rspsycho939,589
14. Noturbisnis904,659
15. Isnitchyou772,496
16. Legend Nl709,676
17. Erfelijk651,541
18. Plankie607,936
19. Jonnybak547,075
20. Polluxx519,074
21. Fietsen401,384
22. Runite Knoop295,036
23. Knoop243,737
24. Peetjuuuuh204,808
25. Jappiejapo184,799
26. Exutor170,834
27. Nasty Fartss148,180
28. G1n00tj387,580
29. Tolumbyugo78,844
30. Iron Grolsch78,552


1. Time For Me12,820,399
2. Klojo10510,337,578
3. Dutch Baws10,118,906
4. Godmiljaar9,848,709
5. Twistertjeee9,320,068
6. Planckske7,680,706
7. Beachmasters6,233,323
8. Rspsycho5,489,725
9. Ripped Abs3,928,940
10. Roenskeep3,091,276
11. Droeftoeter2,638,999
12. Erfelijk2,339,461
13. Kwallie1,936,544
14. Isnitchyou1,679,136
15. Plankie1,444,593
16. Klojo1031,413,693
17. Polluxx1,287,889
18. Noturbisnis955,945
19. Legend Nl901,862
20. Fietsen853,546
21. Jonnybak777,170
22. Jappiejapo684,988
23. Runite Knoop526,729
24. Iron Grolsch445,431
25. Exutor424,377
26. Steepumbra353,525
27. G1n00tj3337,419
28. Brace112315,968
29. Knoop311,851
30. Nasty Fartss291,715
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP
  • Abyss Nats RC
  • Abyss Deaths RC
  • No souls RC

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