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Efficient Hours Played Hiscores: Records for Rebirth Clan


1. Inhaled14.43
2. Androgenic10.79
3. Enrik8.57
4. Poxbot8.04
5. Aussie God7.97
6. Ghidora Nyx5.90
7. Yoofgt4.86
8. Gloyer4.73
9. Willey004.32
10. Pwncat4.30
11. Popie3114.15
12. Andatecas4.12
13. Zacky1.13
14. Srn1.04
15. Guthorm0.47
16. Ogdash0.33


1. Inhaled73.80
2. Androgenic53.72
3. Ghidora Nyx49.67
4. Poxbot36.64
5. Enrik27.12
6. Yoofgt20.70
7. Willey0018.16
8. Aussie God18.13
9. Da Moo Cow17.51
10. Pwncat16.88
11. Andatecas14.41
12. Popie31113.23
13. Swifer12.28
14. Srn10.33
15. Mayhem 4 All7.87
16. Zacky6.10
17. Gloyer4.73
18. Guthorm4.26
19. Kriu Kriu2.85
20. God Of Bonds2.33
21. Ogdash2.03
22. Circlezurk1.47
23. Slashmedaddy0.09


1. Inhaled249.26
2. Androgenic183.22
3. Ghidora Nyx135.07
4. Poxbot85.64
5. Enrik78.88
6. Popie31159.48
7. Yoofgt57.98
8. Andatecas55.55
9. Gloyer55.51
10. Willey0047.46
11. Da Moo Cow46.87
12. Pwncat43.87
13. Swifer43.20
14. Aussie God37.00
15. Srn34.47
16. Mayhem 4 All25.52
17. Zacky20.75
18. Kilolmgetbow19.99
19. God Of Bonds19.92
20. Guthorm15.16
21. Circlezurk10.37
22. Mojo Maker10.34
23. Kriu Kriu9.93
24. Ogdash9.41
25. Ibanthedank7.30
26. Slashmedaddy0.30
27. Supernoodle0.04
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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