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Hunter Hiscores: Records for Exigence 100


1. Exi Sisukas1,959,145
2. Whats Reddit1,684,325
3. Zokot1,301,945
4. Pennstate1,225,087
5. The Matth1,105,443
6. Bad Exp1,099,114
7. Mystery Mang1,051,785
8. Sir Mcglade1,011,873
9. Juicy Pair877,442
10. Mellagro822,205
11. Datskai711,019
12. Exigence557,000
13. Sloppy464,563
14. Skylarkings463,510
15. Lindelt427,000
16. Groot385,575
17. Pkincrazy352,472
18. Rocketcandy247,070
19. Silvervvood225,250
20. Tiger2017219,715
21. Slasher3410218,000
22. Soulless Tuk211,470
23. Biesadesky210,619
24. Valentineq159,265
25. Domina124,848
26. Killertoast98,377
27. Trackies97,000
28. B00l95,412
29. Nandro80,350
30. Astrixftw57,845
31. Yetiscalp57,794
32. Ted Scape46,784
33. King Tiko43,904
34. Doom Fletch39,854
35. Ifab15,000
36. Elysian Prod10,346
37. Mezeip10,252
38. Baasy10,032
39. Dangitbobby9,152
40. G A R Field59,120
41. Huntail1014,560
42. Start Safin4,380
43. Exi Austin3,720
44. Tewell 711,397
45. Tbow Grind1,325
46. Its Zerk Mag1,027
47. This Angel890
48. Twixinthemix265
49. Spoonyg265
50. A I L D68


1. Whats Reddit6,754,900
2. Bad Exp6,128,418
3. Exi Sisukas4,264,139
4. Zokot4,024,034
5. Mellagro2,947,860
6. Datskai2,932,766
7. Juicy Pair2,852,427
8. Sir Mcglade2,768,179
9. Pennstate2,766,989
10. Mystery Mang2,613,545
11. The Matth2,517,477
12. Biesadesky1,612,835
13. Twixinthemix1,466,675
14. Exigence1,360,850
15. Skylarkings1,266,224
16. Tiger20171,188,470
17. Pkincrazy1,116,365
18. Groot1,073,355
19. Silvervvood1,055,495
20. Trackies806,000
21. Lindelt775,020
22. Soulless Tuk587,490
23. Tbow Grind548,392
24. Sloppy544,787
25. Nandro469,456
26. Slasher3410438,550
27. Rocketcandy384,080
28. King Tiko383,485
29. Domina318,240
30. B00l279,877
31. Exi Austin209,712
32. Valentineq168,145
33. Dangitbobby144,841
34. Yetiscalp132,500
35. Ted Scape131,948
36. Killertoast98,671
37. Mezeip98,013
38. Start Safin93,822
39. Doom Fletch93,104
40. Astrixftw82,213
41. Stere0type81,016
42. Huntail10168,400
43. Elysian Prod63,365
44. Ifab53,265
45. Irisviele37,895
46. G A R Field511,451
47. Baasy10,032
48. Misterme102,518
49. Tewell 711,397
50. Its Zerk Mag1,230


1. Bad Exp15,775,051
2. Juicy Pair8,469,946
3. Whats Reddit7,669,901
4. Mellagro7,603,185
5. Pennstate7,253,796
6. The Matth7,146,831
7. Lindelt5,866,632
8. Sir Mcglade5,848,274
9. Exi Sisukas5,031,154
10. Zokot4,029,468
11. Mystery Mang3,828,886
12. Datskai3,781,661
13. Silvervvood3,552,590
14. Twixinthemix3,299,599
15. Biesadesky2,693,944
16. Exigence2,261,490
17. Skylarkings1,983,624
18. Groot1,909,540
19. Domina1,478,870
20. Tiger20171,334,882
21. Soulless Tuk1,237,495
22. Pkincrazy1,201,267
23. Sloppy1,184,059
24. Ted Scape969,445
25. Trackies869,454
26. Nandro588,459
27. Doom Fletch564,300
28. Rocketcandy551,880
29. Tbow Grind549,982
30. Yetiscalp537,189
31. Slasher3410536,679
32. King Tiko449,991
33. B00l407,234
34. Misterme10376,991
35. Start Safin326,870
36. Stere0type324,172
37. Spoonyg299,785
38. Dangitbobby234,855
39. Killertoast228,208
40. Exi Austin222,609
41. Mezeip208,365
42. Irisviele186,396
43. Valentineq176,911
44. This Angel168,720
45. G A R Field5152,860
46. Huntail101150,480
47. Elysian Prod85,639
48. Astrixftw82,213
49. Mariah Gene71,372
50. Ifab53,743
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Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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