Prayer Hiscores: Records for InterQueo


1. Rettent2,296,980
2. Hunyadi2,074,150
3. A D Ii1,757,088
4. Balu Titan1,739,904
5. Imkrisi1,533,306
6. Ultrastomi1,208,916
7. Just For Fun958,694
8. Jupl234870,896
9. Superbusy792,446
10. Osbenji790,650
11. Lord Gegike193,284
12. Heppytako61,340
13. The Chimpunk58,750
14. Ponyika49,385
15. Syngates0725,114
16. Legendaryz022,160
17. Balitron19,031
18. Yusuke1111111,682
19. Lethaden8,280
20. Vala Mester2,741
21. Lil Mcm4a11,303
22. Panelka735
23. Wimipedia90
24. Kistusko9
25. Farmer R0bin4


1. Rettent12,227,970
2. A D Ii10,489,271
3. Ultrastomi6,544,980
4. Balu Titan6,297,216
5. Hunyadi6,237,400
6. Imkrisi5,335,806
7. Heppytako4,927,440
8. Ponyika3,334,800
9. Jupl2342,385,044
10. Osbenji2,314,872
11. Lord Gegike2,153,849
12. Just For Fun1,760,662
13. Superbusy1,493,825
14. Lil Mcm4a11,206,083
15. Balitron618,438
16. Panelka512,501
17. The Chimpunk436,487
18. Dzsipp163,582
19. Syngates0768,237
20. Legendaryz065,849
21. Farmer R0bin60,856
22. I Matee I59,800
23. Bendeguz48,919
24. Yusuke1111122,468
25. Lethaden21,460
26. Losthungary14,580
27. Tom Stark13,526
28. Vala Mester5,307
29. Lord Csakany4,875
30. Kistusko3,600
31. Wimipedia1,106
32. Szmokidoki225
33. Hazisarkany9110
34. Picil B32


1. A D Ii12,284,049
2. Rettent12,237,120
3. Just For Fun8,768,881
4. Imkrisi7,808,578
5. Balu Titan7,729,110
6. Superbusy7,686,904
7. Ultrastomi7,486,830
8. Syngates076,920,096
9. Heppytako6,596,565
10. Osbenji6,459,543
11. Hunyadi6,254,480
12. Losthungary5,755,443
13. Ponyika5,669,195
14. Jupl2345,411,132
15. Hazisarkany93,879,452
16. Balitron3,734,313
17. Vala Mester2,349,207
18. Lord Gegike2,165,024
19. Lil Mcm4a11,833,629
20. Wimipedia1,132,913
21. Picil B890,604
22. The Chimpunk883,607
23. I Matee I772,204
24. Panelka731,929
25. Lord Csakany604,854
26. Bendeguz576,594
27. Szmokidoki382,566
28. Kistusko381,925
29. Dzsipp330,836
30. Farmer R0bin261,475
31. Legendaryz0249,888
32. Yusuke11111142,291
33. Lethaden120,125
34. Nosztalgia9424,485
35. Tom Stark17,630
36. Andris9
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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