Farming Hiscores: Records for Pvm Outpost


1. Keyboarding603,903
2. Vidas471,000
3. Cim447,205
4. Hackie312,551
5. Kevin N274,165
6. Tm23261,274
7. Skizzurp251,135
8. Sano Wallis246,439
9. Delmonico245,839
10. Iluckout220,674
11. 07 Tim218,382
12. Ella Jane213,502
13. Imknotapure204,202
14. Moiz200,347
15. King Westor190,164
16. Hoomphaloomp185,702
17. P E P P Y156,830
18. Sinfulnature154,825
19. Hugepuddle139,318
20. Century Xxi134,718
21. Knarfe129,121
22. Dwugz128,144
23. Afk Ill Brb124,447
24. Appk121,885
25. Bentz116,546
26. Whole Yeet111,898
27. Scorpion1 80109,433
28. Tuupac105,923
29. Kappa Talist98,288
30. Dmw80,569
31. Thekillerb78,715
32. Red Osrs77,579
33. Pk 2 Less71,166
34. Toker1165,954
35. Raggler57,756
36. Pimie43,117
37. I Dioon R35,934
38. The Wobble24,551
39. Skillandkill23,816
40. Ooo21,631
41. Vitriks17,106
42. Watzcooking16,424
43. Rowdeh14,720
44. Golden Age11,786
45. Bread Ko10,150
46. Usa Marine9,948
47. Luxboy8,400
48. Just J0hn8,000
49. Hs Fitzroy6,205
50. Foodstamp5,092
51. I Lilkray I4,838
52. Filo3,680
53. Heteronomy2,815
54. Desertcamel6


1. Vidas2,304,327
2. Cim1,711,168
3. Keyboarding1,495,640
4. Hackie1,471,445
5. Skizzurp1,211,305
6. 07 Tim1,204,054
7. Kevin N1,141,111
8. Sano Wallis862,457
9. Iluckout844,495
10. Tm23805,463
11. Imknotapure804,918
12. Usa Marine798,915
13. Whole Yeet769,601
14. Ella Jane733,275
15. King Westor713,812
16. Moiz694,015
17. Century Xxi647,483
18. Rowdeh635,347
19. Luxboy624,784
20. Delmonico591,028
21. Dmw563,196
22. Hugepuddle557,276
23. I Dioon R545,539
24. Kappa Talist544,733
25. Knarfe453,315
26. Afk Ill Brb435,363
27. Husker425,304
28. Thekillerb425,110
29. Dwugz423,102
30. Just J0hn404,450
31. Sinfulnature401,096
32. Bentz399,830
33. Hoomphaloomp378,168
34. Pk 2 Less370,278
35. Appk366,930
36. P E P P Y359,725
37. Red Osrs325,070
38. Tuupac313,070
39. Golden Age302,817
40. Scorpion1 80289,991
41. Raggler229,745
42. Pimie210,796
43. Hs Fitzroy196,432
44. Steinways196,229
45. Shroom Ninja183,539
46. Toker11167,514
47. Markit145,537
48. Orangeer94,275
49. Vitriks89,247
50. Jansquu71,611
51. The Wobble64,597
52. Skillandkill62,976
53. Pivot Daboss58,630
54. Watzcooking47,271
55. Ooo36,485
56. Spectt35,696
57. Bluemuff1n30,757
58. Errly Bird29,329
59. Just Conan20,244
60. I Lilkray I17,800
61. Destroyred11,650
62. Bread Ko10,150
63. Dark Bryan8,873
64. Filo5,535
65. Foodstamp5,371
66. Heteronomy2,815
67. Whitehouse2,671
68. D 3 S P 0 T2,513
69. Jelly Fish18822
70. Cressida520
71. Desertcamel6
72. Os Bundy6


1. Vidas6,256,440
2. 07 Tim5,867,573
3. Luxboy5,834,263
4. Kevin N5,241,709
5. Keyboarding3,969,849
6. Orangeer3,919,991
7. Skizzurp3,900,374
8. Skillandkill3,853,854
9. Hackie3,384,849
10. Cim3,382,860
11. Ooo3,205,816
12. Whole Yeet3,164,838
13. Tm233,004,328
14. Usa Marine2,852,335
15. Bread Ko2,802,627
16. Rowdeh2,694,209
17. Jansquu2,615,029
18. Sano Wallis2,610,569
19. Golden Age2,514,450
20. Ella Jane2,020,672
21. Moiz2,012,265
22. Imknotapure1,993,678
23. Thekillerb1,989,638
24. Destroyred1,943,744
25. Knarfe1,929,934
26. King Westor1,902,135
27. Century Xxi1,873,966
28. Steinways1,768,868
29. Iluckout1,703,640
30. Delmonico1,649,711
31. Dwugz1,440,221
32. Hugepuddle1,373,610
33. Watzcooking1,282,462
34. Kappa Talist1,264,722
35. Shroom Ninja1,240,411
36. Red Osrs1,235,657
37. Dmw1,235,003
38. Hoomphaloomp1,205,033
39. Jelly Fish181,057,550
40. P E P P Y987,945
41. Spectt742,723
42. Tuupac724,966
43. Hs Fitzroy689,917
44. I Dioon R643,491
45. Just J0hn597,066
46. Husker593,490
47. Afk Ill Brb548,286
48. Bentz541,707
49. Arcangel754534,157
50. Pk 2 Less533,832
51. Appk527,669
52. Pimie525,534
53. Sinfulnature524,584
54. Toker11460,851
55. Raggler457,018
56. Os Bundy368,132
57. Vitriks338,090
58. Markit327,525
59. Pivot Daboss308,282
60. Scorpion1 80291,323
61. 6vm289,976
62. Errly Bird222,459
63. Bluemuff1n219,969
64. Georgeann204,409
65. Gascan199,244
66. Just Conan195,785
67. Deezy Wilson192,230
68. The Wobble183,076
69. Raiid178,892
70. Jklnkjashd163,292
71. M1m1107,885
72. Noblankets104,815
73. I Lilkray I83,989
74. Whitehouse68,808
75. Sideflesk65,366
76. Clarit Y46,515
77. Active Core40,034
78. Guala39,495
79. Insured31,357
80. D 3 S P 0 T27,187
81. Foodstamp23,779
82. Dark Bryan12,635
83. Filo6,575
84. Dark Auth6,146
85. Heteronomy3,295
86. Watchmerambo1,839
87. Cressida520
88. Desertcamel6
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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