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Herblore Hiscores: Records for All Irons Cooking Event


1. Bazy5,318,475
2. Katze Btw2,722,575
3. War Criminal2,139,676
4. Bluntology2,093,215
5. Shampoo2,020,922
6. Iron Trigs1,986,250
7. Karepow1,980,177
8. Mobile Data1,868,612
9. Olly Men1,778,421
10. High Pirate1,685,807
11. Krelton1,368,420
12. Iron Fetz1,289,257
13. 32 Kay1,282,243
14. Drbudhead1,188,867
15. Farseer Hat1,091,809
16. Iron K31,084,260
17. Onecallbtw986,421
18. Tiega899,448
19. Tztok Ham872,021
20. Aurizon850,506
21. Utzgutz830,555
22. Vhennypoo746,874
23. Itiswedsdude734,899
24. Exion716,407
25. Thepetgrind688,355
26. S3nd Bobs611,795
27. Ozziah604,582
28. 0xbitcoin597,031
29. Jonny 5552,437
30. Firelake524,752
31. Billybo524,740
32. 3 Cc518,933
33. Ldeliverance506,012
34. Toxicdabs420478,319
35. Actually Bad476,311
36. Chonged467,979
37. Azoraha1442,352
38. Iron Wiseass429,800
39. Donny Boi420,362
40. Ya Boi Sam395,770
41. Co Fe392,656
42. Dialing374,985
43. Ho Od351,062
44. Im Sofa342,972
45. Cordys Btw334,708
46. Waste Mans333,131
47. Iron Lincler316,522
48. Ineed2quitim316,165
49. Kalphiteking313,897
50. Iron Tysawn310,177
51. Autisticiron237,281
52. Syke Out231,338
53. Iron Steveb230,496
54. Ironbadatpvm223,201
55. Iron Claus201,508
56. Hibbs6200,111
57. Why Try199,466
58. Ironize198,897
59. Deadly Dooby193,333
60. Luktar Bajs190,940
61. Ironboink190,425
62. Otsep188,280
63. Procatfister186,598
64. Uim Madill182,532
65. Shampoe175,301
66. Iron Zewm173,433
67. Zexa162,052
68. Forti148,098
69. Iron Finasta144,984
70. Feblumpkin140,107
71. Coldv2135,279
72. Smarthcim132,688
73. Kahvikuppi131,931
74. 1101i128,687
75. S4ddam127,081
76. Irondurza126,185
77. Meepscoop119,339
78. Thegreatcuck116,717
79. 00tatum00108,737
80. I Manofiron107,050
81. Smotsi106,762
82. Version Zero98,765
83. Iron Nellz97,647
84. Runnynumber293,162
85. Pakasiu Tave92,962
86. Iron Fed91,958
87. Tparr88,589
88. Huck Im Figh81,663
89. Roscoviousiv76,913
90. Weezy Fe76,245
91. Fe Ap73,975
92. Not Thnder72,377
93. Whats G66,966
94. Runeboi696965,213
95. I R O N Noob57,258
96. Fe Colombian56,330
97. Ogironmonkey52,767
98. Good Cuddler52,598
99. Dates51,577
100. Catmasterbar50,781
101. Wvy50,294
102. The Trihard49,188
103. Iusedtobuygp49,140
104. Iron Wyz48,182
105. The Weenster47,320
106. Magewind47,160
107. Hmittens42,865
108. Gengar Turds37,525
109. Im Gud Trust32,917
110. Aluminum Boy32,545
111. Needgold123430,603
112. Jfk Jr30,098
113. Call Anthony28,498
114. Kevzara27,795
115. Shinypichu26,958
116. Uim Moose26,374
117. Iron Etamin25,000
118. Cyris Steel23,552
119. Fearmy4nch22,640
120. Ironbakedman22,128
121. Sir No21,175
122. Jackdaripahh20,570
123. Hentai Girlz20,491
124. Hc Jim20,281
125. Im Zoo20,005
126. Uim Lamp18,792
127. Ironbushlite18,262
128. Stoy Boy17,373
129. Lady Cynder17,213
130. Fullsendpvm14,370
131. Iron Lubi14,335
132. Dracobringor11,615
133. Kkonaflea11,377
134. I Am Gandalf11,375
135. Iron Hazr10,981
136. D0nt Trade10,128
137. Zarphot9,137
138. I R O Ni C9,008
139. Hc Burek8,441
140. Ironredskull7,895
141. Ur A Narc7,445
142. Alexbradley6,282
143. Iron Farmers6,130
144. Fe Hemi5,356
145. Sphynx God5,212
146. Syllaryn5,090
147. Domatrax4,783
148. Iron Simple4,482
149. Bopcore4,188
150. D Scim Hc3,213
151. Storybooks3,070
152. Uimdad2,797
153. Zanpakto02,648
154. Todo Bien2,569
155. Iron Gundon2,555
156. Optimal Goon2,527
157. Iron Fryday2,500
158. Just Iron2,100
159. Slayuh1,955
160. Antique Lamp1,883
161. Wuu21,411
162. St Vicious1,315
163. Hc Tokin1,242
164. Afktimes1,223
165. Ironderedas1,194
166. Jayzig1,190
167. Lenthehen1,023
168. Ironbruski1,005
169. Iori Nagase930
170. Ironhaney900
171. Iron Dambro749
172. Ironic Girth747
173. 8ball710
174. Iron Alpha673
175. Ironpnw658
176. Axeleebob650
177. Normalmetal600
178. Ironglove40560
179. Solo Tony470
180. Navis Btw365
181. Fireroth360
182. Im Stark320
183. Kaydrobro291
184. Iron Sophano265
185. Not Tiega250
186. Astrologist200
187. Atlasrain188175
188. Dope Doctor170
189. Tanktreezy80
190. Stemuli67
191. Failing Uni52
192. Cantrocdis150
193. Bed Thyme38
194. Startergear31
195. Ironbarcode26
196. Iron Artery24
197. Mjputkioy23
198. Liberals Suk20
199. Mill Island10
200. Iron Drezkon9


1. Bazy6,372,858
2. 32 Kay5,359,730
3. High Pirate5,323,346
4. Kevzara4,562,450
5. Olly Men4,412,568
6. War Criminal4,179,764
7. Uim Moose4,156,384
8. Drbudhead4,022,518
9. Katze Btw3,286,540
10. Shampoo3,087,785
11. Iron K33,055,833
12. Iron Trigs2,803,164
13. Bluntology2,799,873
14. Tztok Ham2,791,068
15. Mobile Data2,697,978
16. Karepow2,666,096
17. Onecallbtw2,267,678
18. Thepetgrind2,258,124
19. Iron Fetz2,063,679
20. Billybo1,907,687
21. Exion1,881,360
22. Farseer Hat1,715,664
23. Tiega1,600,274
24. Otsep1,596,600
25. Vhennypoo1,563,474
26. Ozziah1,448,889
27. Jonny 51,394,156
28. Krelton1,372,567
29. Im Zoo1,329,770
30. Firelake1,296,337
31. Kalphiteking1,263,409
32. Actually Bad1,177,256
33. Toxicdabs4201,153,588
34. Chonged1,119,656
35. Ldeliverance1,055,603
36. Procatfister998,779
37. Thegreatcuck979,578
38. 0xbitcoin967,596
39. Utzgutz947,244
40. Zexa929,943
41. Itiswedsdude924,173
42. Iron Lincler895,817
43. Magewind883,078
44. Aurizon866,919
45. Iron Wiseass797,381
46. Ho Od782,144
47. Iron Fed750,594
48. Azoraha1748,521
49. Donny Boi724,346
50. S3nd Bobs694,310
51. The Weenster673,100
52. Why Try605,199
53. Iron Steveb592,363
54. 3 Cc585,596
55. Ya Boi Sam566,812
56. Iron Alpha553,941
57. Iron Zewm541,677
58. Pakasiu Tave527,956
59. Axeleebob525,892
60. Alexbradley516,032
61. Ironbadatpvm514,528
62. Iron Finasta473,983
63. Waste Mans460,702
64. Ironderedas451,461
65. Iron Tysawn451,346
66. Fe Ap448,444
67. Co Fe432,372
68. Cordys Btw424,020
69. Slayuh411,012
70. Deadly Dooby406,929
71. Dialing404,921
72. Iron Fryday375,152
73. Ironboink367,420
74. Autisticiron360,988
75. Ineed2quitim356,469
76. I Manofiron354,149
77. Cyris Steel350,719
78. Smarthcim348,990
79. Im Sofa344,824
80. Im Gud Trust341,822
81. Ironize308,720
82. Iron Claus308,453
83. Irondurza299,243
84. Ironbushlite296,192
85. Smotsi289,057
86. Runnynumber2254,548
87. Shampoe252,953
88. Hibbs6251,493
89. Weezy Fe250,352
90. Kahvikuppi249,812
91. Iron Nellz245,785
92. Not Thnder243,806
93. Syke Out238,861
94. Catmasterbar234,017
95. Huck Im Figh224,232
96. Aluminum Boy224,197
97. Luktar Bajs224,012
98. Version Zero210,844
99. Wvy210,613
100. Forti198,009
101. Kymatiks195,921
102. Iusedtobuygp185,967
103. Clns185,166
104. Gengar Turds183,600
105. Uim Madill182,532
106. D0nt Trade180,978
107. Coldv2179,089
108. Stoy Boy178,949
109. Tparr174,113
110. Todo Bien171,339
111. Meepscoop168,636
112. Whats G167,624
113. Hmittens164,347
114. Feblumpkin161,155
115. Fearmy4nch158,695
116. Roscoviousiv157,669
117. S4ddam153,011
118. Ironhaney139,892
119. 1101i138,773
120. 00tatum00128,844
121. Antique Lamp123,085
122. I R O N Noob120,372
123. St Vicious118,670
124. Igrac117,050
125. Good Cuddler112,459
126. The Trihard110,619
127. Iron Etamin104,523
128. Dracobringor96,355
129. Fe Colombian94,521
130. Dates94,420
131. Ogironmonkey92,302
132. Iron Gundon85,749
133. Runeboi696983,934
134. Normalmetal82,238
135. Ironglove4079,702
136. Jfk Jr77,126
137. Dope Doctor76,947
138. Frozen420sec73,529
139. Lenthehen69,570
140. Ironredskull69,465
141. Jonsig56,348
142. Shinypichu54,502
143. Crosscanada51,720
144. 8ball50,964
145. Call Anthony50,760
146. Needgold123450,430
147. Iron Wyz49,022
148. Solo Tony46,244
149. Iron Simple38,494
150. Hc Jim38,187
151. Sir No36,257
152. Jayzig34,570
153. Iron Dambro33,837
154. Failing Uni33,638
155. Iron Farmers31,480
156. Kkonaflea31,061
157. Uim Lamp30,343
158. Greedy Af28,920
159. Iron Lubi28,656
160. Hentai Girlz27,887
161. I Am Gandalf27,191
162. Startergear26,784
163. Fullsendpvm25,797
164. Ironbarcode25,690
165. Yourmomonly25,573
166. Astrologist25,225
167. Lady Cynder25,122
168. Iron Hazr24,991
169. Jackdaripahh24,420
170. Cantrocdis124,138
171. Ironbakedman23,197
172. Lunatr1ck22,398
173. Lavishgoblin21,550
174. Hcim Cloak21,434
175. Fe Hemi21,086
176. Uimdad16,609
177. Ironpnw15,561
178. Hc Burek15,364
179. Bopcore15,218
180. Ironic Girth14,951
181. Zarphot14,466
182. Dhrak14,376
183. Internalized13,500
184. Wuu213,087
185. Hc Tokin13,075
186. Ur A Narc12,797
187. Ironbruski11,491
188. Fireroth11,176
189. I R O Ni C10,748
190. Iron Drezkon9,481
191. Sphynx God9,475
192. Ironhuntos8,828
193. Tanktreezy7,479
194. Bed Thyme7,446
195. Navis Btw7,008
196. Zanpakto06,905
197. Iron Timix6,842
198. D Scim Hc6,231
199. Storybooks6,201
200. Just Iron5,168


1. Shampoo8,979,101
2. Karepow7,412,582
3. Bazy6,477,518
4. 32 Kay6,198,425
5. Im Zoo6,062,575
6. Olly Men5,453,975
7. High Pirate5,385,945
8. Kevzara5,144,862
9. 3 Cc5,088,504
10. Exion4,931,460
11. Drbudhead4,844,654
12. Uim Moose4,262,114
13. War Criminal4,193,949
14. S3nd Bobs4,140,239
15. Otsep4,125,726
16. Farseer Hat4,104,392
17. Magewind4,024,178
18. Bluntology3,768,005
19. Iron Fetz3,699,993
20. Katze Btw3,530,381
21. Iron K33,522,988
22. Thepetgrind3,436,908
23. Mobile Data3,246,569
24. Pakasiu Tave3,196,274
25. Iron Trigs3,102,491
26. Vhennypoo3,049,020
27. Tiega3,012,629
28. Kalphiteking2,963,540
29. Onecallbtw2,898,427
30. Tztok Ham2,833,450
31. I Am Gandalf2,460,192
32. Dialing2,230,476
33. Billybo2,207,762
34. Chonged2,077,508
35. Ozziah2,031,478
36. Firelake1,977,915
37. Utzgutz1,865,229
38. Thegreatcuck1,835,628
39. Ironbadatpvm1,756,201
40. Axeleebob1,756,194
41. Krelton1,699,231
42. 0xbitcoin1,597,779
43. Procatfister1,589,916
44. Stoy Boy1,580,538
45. Iron Wiseass1,571,972
46. D0nt Trade1,550,804
47. Im Gud Trust1,548,593
48. Jonny 51,494,419
49. Iron Alpha1,460,985
50. Aurizon1,460,780
51. Ironderedas1,415,563
52. Zexa1,334,203
53. Itiswedsdude1,328,961
54. Toxicdabs4201,305,284
55. Iron Lincler1,297,570
56. Ldeliverance1,296,168
57. I Manofiron1,285,115
58. Tanktreezy1,272,463
59. Ironhaney1,238,520
60. Actually Bad1,228,535
61. Whats G1,161,331
62. Uim Madill1,142,846
63. Cordys Btw1,134,865
64. St Vicious1,123,633
65. Cyris Steel1,091,202
66. Autisticiron1,084,862
67. Iron Zewm1,006,837
68. Iron Finasta999,004
69. 00tatum00996,692
70. Iron Steveb995,873
71. Catmasterbar950,111
72. Donny Boi938,512
73. Fe Ap931,696
74. Ineed2quitim915,614
75. Ya Boi Sam912,334
76. Smarthcim911,530
77. Ho Od905,645
78. The Weenster880,382
79. Forti855,464
80. Jfk Jr827,914
81. Iron Fed826,811
82. Frozen420sec826,615
83. Iron Fryday816,076
84. Kahvikuppi777,703
85. Azoraha1771,951
86. Waste Mans767,143
87. Iron Gundon744,012
88. Not Thnder735,563
89. Dates724,498
90. Iron Claus711,898
91. Meepscoop706,693
92. Ironboink691,845
93. Huck Im Figh686,268
94. Halse Sasakl666,417
95. Why Try663,376
96. Im Sofa654,827
97. Slayuh648,297
98. Jonsig642,288
99. Smotsi637,456
100. Version Zero636,621
101. Syke Out625,918
102. Jackdaripahh599,929
103. Irondurza556,888
104. Alexbradley524,996
105. Deadly Dooby524,814
106. 8ball513,039
107. Hibbs6511,920
108. Kymatiks498,968
109. Greedy Af492,825
110. Co Fe488,871
111. Runnynumber2485,205
112. Iron Tysawn482,564
113. Wvy480,493
114. Weezy Fe471,240
115. Ironhuntos469,597
116. Iron Nellz445,319
117. Coldv2444,637
118. Shampoe442,144
119. Veto Death418,005
120. Antique Lamp413,899
121. Aluminum Boy399,847
122. Fearmy4nch399,495
123. Tparr393,807
124. Korimaru N383,820
125. Needgold1234382,268
126. Feblumpkin371,786
127. Gengar Turds370,335
128. Ironbruski367,135
129. Fireroth364,848
130. I R O N Noob362,065
131. S4ddam360,973
132. Sir No350,362
133. Roscoviousiv349,060
134. Luktar Bajs338,633
135. Liberals Suk326,169
136. Ironbushlite324,253
137. Ironize319,653
138. Crosscanada318,881
139. Igrac310,763
140. Fullsendpvm309,165
141. Iusedtobuygp305,688
142. Clns298,127
143. Fe Colombian288,028
144. Goldquest6288,004
145. Iron Etamin285,719
146. Ironic Girth275,920
147. Todo Bien268,711
148. Iron Wyz263,981
149. Dracobringor262,322
150. Failing Uni248,535
151. Hmittens243,631
152. Good Cuddler230,938
153. Iron Dinga230,777
154. 1101i227,665
155. J Eanne226,204
156. Lenthehen200,071
157. Internalized198,826
158. Minirashaken194,682
159. Wuu2191,564
160. Jayzig190,825
161. The Trihard188,381
162. Dope Doctor184,165
163. Ironredskull171,792
164. Normalmetal167,036
165. Hc Burek151,539
166. Solo Tony148,084
167. Uim Lamp138,335
168. Runeboi6969129,673
169. Sphynx God128,693
170. Ogironmonkey104,047
171. Ironglove40101,032
172. Call Anthony98,541
173. Zanpakto088,360
174. Iron Timix87,054
175. Iron Simple84,769
176. Hc Jim84,664
177. Dhrak77,883
178. Iron Dambro77,737
179. Ironbarcode76,637
180. Just Iron75,885
181. Im Stark75,497
182. Shinypichu73,984
183. Iron Lemmy73,977
184. I R O Ni C72,059
185. Agrorecan63,903
186. Yourmomonly56,221
187. Ironbakedman55,134
188. Skulbusta53,067
189. Cantrocdis149,714
190. Iron Lubi49,225
191. Kkonaflea46,470
192. Lunatr1ck42,004
193. Startergear41,731
194. Mighty Scrub39,229
195. Iron Farmers38,210
196. Nesboo37,333
197. Hentai Girlz36,177
198. Mf Ironman34,655
199. Lady Cynder34,225
200. Hcim Cloak33,759
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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