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Magic Hiscores: Records for DWD


1. I Like Dogs1,886,513
2. Airless962,154
3. Davsko933,514
4. Up Dog917,755
5. Id Theft737,542
6. Local News693,571
7. Glorious Guy601,621
8. Chumpy922427,650
9. The Deli414,257
10. Team Tibet341,806
11. Godspade332,391
12. Trev Or331,664
13. Wannabe Iron326,338
14. Oi Blyat Lag314,713
15. Dbone234,354
16. Irradiated232,872
17. Rich25190,318
18. Souled 0ut93,629
19. Drugula81,466
20. Errorgant32,585
21. Dbonemyaltar1,255


1. I Like Dogs5,507,485
2. Davsko5,041,179
3. Up Dog4,233,695
4. Irradiated1,816,058
5. Local News1,741,991
6. The Deli1,417,082
7. Trev Or1,365,866
8. Id Theft1,309,191
9. Airless1,171,407
10. Errorgant1,038,091
11. Godspade896,852
12. Chumpy922879,017
13. Glorious Guy861,217
14. Team Tibet821,300
15. Wannabe Iron769,986
16. Oi Blyat Lag686,201
17. Dbone604,061
18. Drugula530,304
19. Rich25478,446
20. Souled 0ut310,153
21. Niihl20,874
22. Dbonemyaltar10,900


1. Davsko9,211,234
2. I Like Dogs7,165,981
3. Up Dog6,348,255
4. The Deli3,587,500
5. Glorious Guy3,225,782
6. Godspade2,828,491
7. Local News2,613,074
8. Irradiated2,514,018
9. Id Theft2,489,041
10. Oi Blyat Lag2,245,556
11. Wannabe Iron2,004,738
12. Trev Or1,998,651
13. Team Tibet1,966,724
14. Errorgant1,811,373
15. Airless1,483,018
16. Dbone1,427,098
17. Chumpy9221,427,080
18. Souled 0ut1,056,620
19. Rich25896,331
20. Drugula874,647
21. Niihl649,769
22. Dbonemyaltar192,178
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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