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Woodcutting Hiscores: Records for Rebirth Clan


1. Pwncat804,317
2. Inhaled709,856
3. Enrik631,380
4. Poxbot583,780
5. Popie311579,927
6. Andatecas185,500
7. Androgenic184,640
8. Zacky118,125
9. Willey0041,783
10. Ghidora Nyx15,428
11. Gloyer7,965
12. Yoofgt4,795
13. Aussie God3,780


1. Androgenic3,975,656
2. Enrik2,319,862
3. Pwncat2,255,743
4. Inhaled2,034,258
5. Poxbot1,268,847
6. Da Moo Cow796,020
7. Zacky734,775
8. Popie311587,886
9. Andatecas417,640
10. Swifer305,755
11. Aussie God284,752
12. Ghidora Nyx282,006
13. God Of Bonds274,425
14. Mayhem 4 All120,203
15. Willey0041,783
16. Kriu Kriu38,700
17. Srn10,825
18. Gloyer7,965
19. Circlezurk5,253
20. Yoofgt4,795
21. Ogdash3


1. Androgenic8,449,497
2. Andatecas6,667,920
3. Enrik6,219,327
4. Swifer4,608,123
5. Inhaled4,500,440
6. Poxbot4,172,832
7. Pwncat3,805,521
8. Da Moo Cow3,748,827
9. Gloyer2,263,605
10. Ghidora Nyx1,327,143
11. Zacky926,575
12. Popie311696,198
13. Mayhem 4 All445,591
14. God Of Bonds441,026
15. Aussie God365,037
16. Ibanthedank323,898
17. Willey00175,242
18. Yoofgt130,032
19. Mojo Maker88,336
20. Kriu Kriu74,400
21. Kilolmgetbow44,460
22. Srn19,168
23. Circlezurk6,056
24. Ogdash3,015
25. Guthorm468
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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