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Construction Hiscores: Records for 07 Altar CC


1. Sid The Cat5,431,800
2. Envetoids3,295,020
3. Qz3,288,870
4. Celesdel2,933,400
5. Azzakel2,506,349
6. Safarl2,116,800
7. Tanveeer2,060,600
8. Mrgurn1,828,680
9. Dj Broim1,827,000
10. Zot1,337,886
11. Fried Fish1,078,800
12. Lusfr974,400
13. Westerner910,570
14. Scuba Steev889,090
15. Scryed Knite815,400
16. Asian Lad702,740
17. Midastku665,861
18. Becky568,063
19. Twigbert321,506
20. Matt 2007287,255
21. Move Tutor258,360
22. Stichtite248,452
23. Chey Loaf191,692
24. Meteo134,400
25. Mike 1921108,000
26. Gotbignuts41,328
27. Jalamanta29,250
28. P Ure27,324
29. Ohh I Member20,000
30. Mr Toast12,284
31. Desi9,175
32. Rqq7,468
33. Deadscare4,316
34. Mtv Cribs 073,480
35. Shandog3,244
36. Huskar Wilde1,470
37. D A N T E750
38. Steel500
39. Immys250
40. Rune Full G150


1. Sid The Cat10,019,000
2. Celesdel9,434,400
3. Qz9,421,970
4. Envetoids8,645,385
5. Mrgurn6,805,880
6. Dj Broim5,621,280
7. Fried Fish5,545,800
8. Westerner5,336,880
9. Safarl4,927,861
10. Scuba Steev4,574,400
11. Azzakel2,817,710
12. Zot2,483,924
13. Tanveeer2,095,078
14. Mike 19211,737,123
15. Asian Lad1,695,142
16. Scryed Knite1,608,147
17. Twigbert1,449,465
18. Lusfr1,169,564
19. Midastku1,052,820
20. Becky843,144
21. Stichtite649,852
22. Move Tutor548,668
23. Steel480,096
24. Matt 2007429,730
25. P Ure408,240
26. Mtv Cribs 07379,400
27. Daaan306,249
28. Chey Loaf191,692
29. Dying Words167,924
30. Meteo150,380
31. Gotbignuts65,888
32. Rune Full G54,702
33. Shandog36,030
34. Rqq33,820
35. Jalamanta30,900
36. Mr Toast26,692
37. Ohh I Member21,400
38. D A N T E20,300
39. Just A Mango18,555
40. Desi10,675
41. Harudoku10,475
42. Immys8,000
43. Deadscare7,620
44. Iamnotsharky5,215
45. Huskar Wilde3,970
46. Tuya2,621
47. Mbr1,950
48. Ja Puh Knees1,300
49. Ougai535


1. Scuba Steev10,334,325
2. Westerner10,302,060
3. Fried Fish10,191,420
4. Sid The Cat10,079,316
5. Celesdel10,056,296
6. Qz9,447,566
7. Envetoids9,216,585
8. Safarl8,700,458
9. Mrgurn7,660,820
10. Zot6,896,526
11. Dj Broim6,497,936
12. Azzakel2,855,821
13. Scryed Knite2,759,316
14. Shandog2,496,067
15. Twigbert2,193,821
16. Mbr2,144,312
17. Move Tutor2,125,632
18. Tanveeer2,095,678
19. Tuya1,965,139
20. Deadscare1,942,382
21. Mike 19211,809,123
22. Chey Loaf1,770,984
23. Lusfr1,743,000
24. Asian Lad1,697,812
25. Midastku1,245,391
26. Daaan1,169,292
27. Becky1,126,799
28. Gotbignuts779,278
29. Mtv Cribs 07764,489
30. Stichtite649,852
31. P Ure620,220
32. Ja Puh Knees562,710
33. Matt 2007542,984
34. Dying Words481,720
35. Meteo309,133
36. Ohh I Member201,458
37. Rune Full G169,800
38. Steel154,258
39. Immys104,494
40. Iamnotsharky67,500
41. Jalamanta62,150
42. Mr Toast42,628
43. Rqq41,232
44. Desi41,100
45. Just A Mango31,791
46. D A N T E20,300
47. Harudoku15,167
48. Huskar Wilde6,470
49. Ougai1,250
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Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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