Construction Hiscores: Records for Pvm Outpost

  |   Month ->

5 Minute

1. Hackie818,160
2. Keyboarding358,081
3. 07 Tim287,520


1. Knarfe3,864,000
2. 07 Tim3,785,580
3. Skizzurp3,347,400
4. Vidas3,117,850
5. Hackie2,547,475
6. I Dioon R2,445,427
7. Keyboarding2,428,800
8. King Westor2,341,200
9. Sano Wallis1,822,800
10. Red Osrs1,475,160
11. Moiz1,423,400
12. Kappa Talist1,358,780
13. The Wobble1,273,440
14. Cim1,197,529
15. Rowdeh1,184,400
16. Sinfulnature1,177,813
17. Just J0hn1,080,240
18. P E P P Y1,069,300
19. Dwugz850,483
20. Pk 2 Less759,600
21. Whole Yeet639,731
22. Hugepuddle519,053
23. Usa Marine443,520
24. Just Conan437,640
25. Imknotapure405,420
26. Tm23252,617
27. Watzcooking237,327
28. Ella Jane139,266
29. Toker11116,010
30. Pimie84,480
31. Delmonico40,320
32. Desertcamel28,210
33. Hoomphaloomp8,183
34. Afk Ill Brb5,863
35. Errly Bird5,000
36. Foodstamp5,000
37. Tuupac4,400
38. Century Xxi3,592
39. Ooo3,200
40. Vitriks3,150
41. Bentz3,024
42. I Lilkray I3,000
43. Kevin N2,400
44. Iluckout2,296
45. Dmw2,100
46. Luxboy1,650
47. Hs Fitzroy1,000
48. Bread Ko600
49. Scorpion1 80250
50. Thekillerb150
51. Raggler16


1. I Dioon R10,321,140
2. Hackie9,508,534
3. 07 Tim8,647,470
4. Knarfe7,686,864
5. Cim7,366,656
6. Vidas5,320,435
7. Keyboarding4,657,200
8. King Westor4,262,995
9. Skizzurp4,257,840
10. Sano Wallis4,238,640
11. The Wobble2,907,964
12. Golden Age2,449,030
13. Watzcooking2,320,817
14. Moiz2,291,715
15. Just Conan2,256,804
16. Red Osrs2,235,360
17. Pk 2 Less2,229,787
18. Hoomphaloomp2,223,778
19. Usa Marine2,095,501
20. P E P P Y2,039,440
21. Sinfulnature1,978,909
22. Dwugz1,782,067
23. Just J0hn1,732,285
24. Whole Yeet1,703,459
25. Rowdeh1,699,967
26. Imknotapure1,495,883
27. Kappa Talist1,379,952
28. Hugepuddle1,375,653
29. Destroyred849,240
30. Dmw682,614
31. Tm23587,518
32. Shroom Ninja374,400
33. Luxboy249,545
34. Bentz233,520
35. Afk Ill Brb223,130
36. Iluckout169,899
37. Toker11154,440
38. Ella Jane139,266
39. Husker104,160
40. Foodstamp101,348
41. Pimie91,544
42. Delmonico59,040
43. Desertcamel28,470
44. I Lilkray I20,250
45. Orangeer13,514
46. Steinways13,252
47. Skillandkill12,980
48. Vitriks11,852
49. Tuupac10,824
50. Century Xxi9,516
51. Kevin N9,250
52. Ooo7,543
53. Errly Bird5,508
54. Hs Fitzroy5,120
55. Jansquu3,600
56. Scorpion1 801,720
57. Markit1,600
58. D 3 S P 0 T1,200
59. Dark Bryan1,000
60. Bluemuff1n600
61. Thekillerb600
62. Bread Ko600
63. Dark Auth350
64. Active Core230
65. Deezy Wilson216
66. Raggler16
67. Os Bundy10
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Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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