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Strength Hiscores: Records for All Irons Prayer


1. Tiega1,718,071
2. Katze Btw1,321,642
3. Hentai Girlz1,140,084
4. Thepetgrind1,084,275
5. Firelake1,079,190
6. Lorem Puella894,760
7. Billybo801,563
8. Exion797,931
9. Shampoo791,956
10. Mobile Data731,439
11. High Pirate707,180
12. Iron Trigs706,773
13. Todo Bien684,004
14. Itiswedsdude667,256
15. Deadly Dooby659,083
16. Shampoe628,798
17. Not Thnder616,306
18. 3 Cc613,933
19. Iron Wiseass563,274
20. Ironize560,156
21. Flumper548,175
22. Waste Mans545,592
23. Utzgutz540,013
24. Autisticiron533,256
25. 00tatum00531,088
26. Tztok Ham528,751
27. Toxicdabs420524,342
28. Tparr519,331
29. Karepow498,008
30. Coldv2484,688
31. Drbudhead470,150
32. Ozziah467,840
33. S3nd Bobs458,960
34. Onecallbtw456,454
35. Im Gud Trust440,315
36. Ho Od418,760
37. Wuu2418,704
38. 0xbitcoin417,292
39. Pakasiu Tave412,069
40. Whats G408,213
41. Good Cuddler400,900
42. Smotsi396,980
43. The Weenster395,916
44. Slvg389,780
45. Wvy388,954
46. Iron Claus387,849
47. Procatfister382,897
48. Thegreatcuck382,230
49. Donny Boi374,829
50. Igrac374,696
51. Chonged370,748
52. War Criminal370,509
53. Kalphiteking365,098
54. Olly Men354,513
55. Bed Thyme351,648
56. Vhennypoo345,430
57. Im Sofa342,947
58. Ldeliverance334,504
59. Huck Im Figh332,186
60. Zexa330,818
61. Magewind328,694
62. Iron Nellz324,937
63. Why Try323,127
64. Waitforit14323,081
65. Ironmangonz322,401
66. Bazy321,956
67. Fe Ap320,937
68. Bluntology320,316
69. Feblumpkin316,539
70. I Am Gandalf311,318
71. Azoraha1298,430
72. Bopcore297,100
73. Iron Finasta290,751
74. Drunk War290,311
75. Permd4rwt283,502
76. Im Zoo282,703
77. Aurizon281,980
78. Antique Lamp281,596
79. Hibbs6278,485
80. Irondurza278,273
81. Gl Im Otb277,839
82. Krelton277,638
83. Shinypichu271,192
84. St Vicious270,168
85. The Trihard269,297
86. Iron Wyz268,862
87. Fe Hemi264,194
88. Cordys Btw263,356
89. Meepscoop261,128
90. Hmittens260,295
91. Weezy Fe259,685
92. Iron Steveb257,022
93. Farseer Hat255,031
94. 1101i248,308
95. Syke Out235,061
96. Ya Boi Sam231,012
97. I R O N Noob226,972
98. Ironboink225,765
99. Pixel Zero209,844
100. I Manofiron204,457


1. Tiega7,598,412
2. Katze Btw6,858,421
3. Thepetgrind4,838,094
4. Lorem Puella4,602,908
5. Firelake4,531,613
6. Dialing3,810,743
7. High Pirate3,781,084
8. Hentai Girlz3,634,190
9. Ironize3,626,423
10. Todo Bien3,438,724
11. Mobile Data3,430,339
12. Shampoo3,309,305
13. Drbudhead3,307,034
14. Billybo3,147,524
15. Olly Men3,030,340
16. Iron Trigs2,980,691
17. Itiswedsdude2,773,357
18. Chonged2,710,641
19. Toxicdabs4202,618,788
20. Shampoe2,418,064
21. Fullsendpvm2,327,360
22. Cantrocdis12,176,594
23. Dracobringor2,152,240
24. Im Gud Trust2,137,858
25. War Criminal2,020,548
26. Pakasiu Tave1,972,269
27. Tparr1,964,735
28. Utzgutz1,960,809
29. Karepow1,934,885
30. Iron Wiseass1,897,714
31. Vhennypoo1,860,236
32. 0xbitcoin1,841,593
33. Ineed2quitim1,835,420
34. Autisticiron1,835,062
35. Whats G1,666,559
36. Flumper1,605,479
37. Deadly Dooby1,561,791
38. 3 Cc1,530,655
39. Gengar Turds1,521,123
40. Igrac1,500,297
41. Ozziah1,490,347
42. Exion1,435,481
43. Donny Boi1,403,957
44. Waste Mans1,393,721
45. Not Thnder1,369,750
46. Zexa1,327,904
47. Drunk War1,311,584
48. Fe Ap1,303,925
49. Sir No1,285,765
50. Coldv21,253,103
51. Bazy1,251,678
52. Wvy1,242,949
53. Procatfister1,240,716
54. Why Try1,239,442
55. Ldeliverance1,228,530
56. Iron Claus1,202,379
57. Ironmangonz1,195,581
58. Onecallbtw1,193,414
59. Otsep1,173,987
60. 00tatum001,158,558
61. Ironjuko1,153,460
62. Krelton1,151,535
63. Farseer Hat1,148,446
64. Clns1,136,342
65. Thegreatcuck1,124,210
66. Kevzara1,080,452
67. Tztok Ham1,070,081
68. Waitforit141,066,942
69. Cordys Btw1,065,145
70. Kalphiteking1,064,555
71. The Weenster1,059,033
72. Iusedtobuygp1,051,609
73. Azoraha11,033,225
74. Slvg1,030,858
75. Irondurza1,022,885
76. Forti1,008,801
77. Bluntology1,000,085
78. Good Cuddler996,616
79. Hibbs6995,936
80. Smotsi995,742
81. Actually Bad988,621
82. Permd4rwt988,187
83. Feblumpkin986,005
84. Ironderedas982,370
85. Fe Hemi961,421
86. Jackdaripahh939,495
87. Iron Nellz923,751
88. Slayuh919,801
89. Alexbradley910,431
90. Co Fe887,674
91. Ho Od867,016
92. Hmittens842,048
93. Im Zoo830,658
94. Iron Steveb820,254
95. D0nt Trade817,061
96. Iron Fed812,265
97. Magewind812,243
98. Im Sofa807,133
99. Huck Im Figh796,052
100. Weezy Fe792,960


1. Tiega28,178,974
2. Katze Btw13,829,766
3. High Pirate13,157,179
4. Thepetgrind12,694,151
5. Im Gud Trust11,794,109
6. Lorem Puella10,259,334
7. Firelake8,737,214
8. Drbudhead8,182,525
9. Iron Trigs7,815,958
10. Shampoo7,686,321
11. Mobile Data7,648,908
12. Olly Men7,033,159
13. Dialing6,970,965
14. Toxicdabs4206,612,996
15. Itiswedsdude6,526,793
16. Farseer Hat6,518,538
17. Billybo6,429,667
18. Hentai Girlz6,266,989
19. Deadly Dooby6,183,535
20. Pakasiu Tave5,899,422
21. Chonged5,870,756
22. War Criminal5,555,404
23. Karepow5,501,987
24. Iron Fetz5,422,419
25. Fullsendpvm5,381,809
26. Iron Wyz5,328,710
27. Todo Bien5,130,985
28. Probbly Afk5,039,133
29. 3 Cc4,856,531
30. Thegreatcuck4,554,454
31. Utzgutz4,526,533
32. Vhennypoo4,492,305
33. Shampoe4,392,454
34. Donny Boi4,355,517
35. S3nd Bobs4,342,256
36. Ldeliverance4,319,659
37. Ironize4,312,655
38. Whats G4,284,225
39. Ozziah4,259,561
40. Sir No4,238,438
41. Magewind4,234,405
42. Feblumpkin4,229,788
43. Iron Finasta4,170,631
44. Tparr4,108,953
45. Procatfister4,095,827
46. Igrac4,057,787
47. Cantrocdis13,859,870
48. Cordys Btw3,807,446
49. Flumper3,786,245
50. Waste Mans3,734,523
51. Otsep3,688,392
52. Bluntology3,670,294
53. Not Thnder3,616,293
54. Wvy3,576,498
55. Gengar Turds3,434,232
56. Kevzara3,418,569
57. Autisticiron3,321,737
58. Exion3,279,668
59. Fe Ap3,253,698
60. Iron Claus3,225,798
61. Krelton3,224,891
62. 0xbitcoin3,214,685
63. 00tatum003,195,269
64. Iron Wiseass3,162,271
65. Triple J Qc3,098,451
66. Coldv23,091,884
67. Ineed2quitim3,080,659
68. D0nt Trade3,019,500
69. Co Fe2,995,315
70. Iron Steveb2,982,023
71. Ironmangonz2,980,445
72. Uim Moose2,929,620
73. Permd4rwt2,927,800
74. Irondurza2,901,709
75. Bazy2,861,124
76. Slvg2,823,454
77. Drunk War2,822,641
78. Zexa2,814,975
79. Axeleebob2,742,160
80. Waitforit142,676,472
81. Iron Nellz2,668,859
82. Clns2,642,578
83. Smotsi2,633,316
84. I Manofiron2,590,519
85. Iusedtobuygp2,572,484
86. Iron K32,554,373
87. Tztok Ham2,494,326
88. Fearmy4nch2,486,044
89. Actually Bad2,484,176
90. Onecallbtw2,437,968
91. Kahvikuppi2,434,943
92. Why Try2,413,975
93. Meepscoop2,382,889
94. Dracobringor2,356,082
95. Ironderedas2,348,665
96. Huck Im Figh2,317,574
97. Azoraha12,274,961
98. The Weenster2,270,911
99. Im Zoo2,270,561
100. Ironjuko2,268,134
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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