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Cooking Hiscores: Records for All Irons Woodcutting Event


1. Shampoo3,803,230
2. Lorem Puella2,976,325
3. La Hora2,499,013
4. Firelake2,319,240
5. War Criminal2,306,198
6. Strawbs2,227,680
7. Ironize2,166,300
8. Farseer Hat2,123,660
9. Puppadiles2,056,740
10. Drbudhead1,979,000
11. Aurizon1,953,986
12. Deadly Dooby1,923,290
13. Exion1,890,830
14. 3 Cc1,865,400
15. Iron Wiseass1,862,131
16. Hc Tokin1,821,580
17. Onecallbtw1,787,290
18. Call Anthony1,782,690
19. Ozziah1,738,000
20. Fl0g1,725,313
21. Katze Btw1,671,226
22. Thegreatcuck1,640,610
23. Mobile Data1,560,080
24. High Pirate1,547,610
25. Ho Od1,541,140
26. Bazy1,511,450
27. Autisticiron1,507,800
28. Latias Btw1,457,000
29. Iron Iftic1,399,583
30. Itiswedsdude1,394,850
31. 32 Kay1,377,200
32. Toxicdabs4201,372,220
33. Karepow1,248,400
34. Ya Boi Sam1,244,400
35. Thepetgrind1,240,774
36. Tztok Ham1,178,800
37. Waste Mans1,175,580
38. Bluntology1,113,180
39. Pakasiu Tave1,101,030
40. S3nd Bobs1,063,568
41. 0xbitcoin1,059,980
42. Iron Akavie1,051,168
43. Shag N Scoob1,049,560
44. Iron Lincler1,012,740
45. Code Kunst963,380
46. Ineed2quitim943,030
47. Ur A Narc938,340
48. Iron Tysawn912,240
49. Iron K3895,030
50. Smotsi847,350
51. Im Sofa833,700
52. Why Try819,560
53. 3km811,660
54. Iron Alpha791,660
55. Good Cuddler769,690
56. Olly Men738,158
57. Utzgutz704,921
58. Tiega666,400
59. Dates656,430
60. Otsep646,050
61. Vhennypoo630,019
62. Master Riven625,000
63. Staticraiin613,560
64. Iron Hazr584,250
65. Kahvikuppi571,568
66. Uimdad560,757
67. I Manofiron556,290
68. Kalphiteking537,890
69. Chonged532,450
70. Forti511,800
71. Azoraha1496,370
72. Luktar Bajs473,480
73. Runnynumber2454,313
74. Tasty Pot448,030
75. Jackdaripahh436,579
76. Hibbs6434,810
77. Billybo426,332
78. Donny Boi419,520
79. Iron Fed416,850
80. 1101i403,040
81. Iron Wyz392,520
82. I R O N Noob388,860
83. Shampoe387,780
84. Iron Etamin385,670
85. Drunk War376,088
86. Iron Steveb368,070
87. Todobien362,830
88. Not Thnder354,940
89. Iron Trigs347,060
90. Syke Out345,280
91. Ironboink330,450
92. I Am Gandalf313,200
93. Needgold1234305,940
94. Iron Claus304,360
95. Coldv2296,210
96. Actually Bad295,800
97. Bergis293,600
98. The Trihard286,980
99. Iron Zewm286,122
100. Sir No282,910


1. Shampoo18,188,020
2. War Criminal11,003,661
3. Ironize8,085,780
4. Strawbs7,642,866
5. Puppadiles7,446,810
6. Firelake7,445,420
7. Smotsi7,325,560
8. Karepow6,532,652
9. Fl0g5,859,854
10. Iron Wiseass5,671,250
11. Biohaze Q P5,188,360
12. Exion4,680,040
13. Lorem Puella4,248,210
14. Call Anthony4,242,962
15. Deadly Dooby4,229,560
16. Tztok Ham4,197,600
17. 32 Kay3,947,600
18. Mobile Data3,857,090
19. Farseer Hat3,578,980
20. Katze Btw3,568,050
21. La Hora3,562,373
22. High Pirate3,554,103
23. Ozziah3,551,215
24. Mr Feman3,506,930
25. Toxicdabs4203,291,050
26. Itiswedsdude3,269,980
27. Aurizon3,023,128
28. Ho Od2,851,340
29. 3km2,804,600
30. Runnynumber22,716,403
31. Iron Wyz2,698,859
32. Thegreatcuck2,657,782
33. Pakasiu Tave2,626,880
34. Bazy2,509,846
35. Ya Boi Sam2,495,780
36. Drbudhead2,446,435
37. Bluntology2,440,110
38. St Vicious2,333,940
39. Why Try2,240,690
40. Tiega2,193,420
41. Forti2,175,500
42. Slayuh2,146,830
43. Im Sofa2,126,555
44. Billybo2,124,000
45. Iron Akavie2,108,210
46. Olly Men2,106,300
47. Autisticiron2,060,890
48. Iron Lincler1,889,760
49. Hc Tokin1,880,127
50. 3 Cc1,865,400
51. Shag N Scoob1,845,610
52. Irondurza1,820,788
53. Iron Iftic1,802,960
54. Onecallbtw1,789,032
55. Actually Bad1,681,070
56. Thepetgrind1,567,340
57. Iron Tysawn1,542,190
58. Iron Zewm1,524,060
59. Utzgutz1,514,031
60. Iusedtobuygp1,509,685
61. Master Riven1,497,600
62. Tasty Pot1,471,907
63. Bergis1,466,712
64. Latias Btw1,457,000
65. Luktar Bajs1,446,260
66. S3nd Bobs1,388,738
67. Ineed2quitim1,363,108
68. Waste Mans1,352,820
69. Azoraha11,332,225
70. 0xbitcoin1,322,140
71. Iron K31,289,630
72. Iron Finasta1,248,210
73. Ur A Narc1,233,340
74. Vhennypoo1,203,970
75. Catmasterbar1,171,484
76. Kalphiteking1,117,200
77. Iron Trigs1,069,379
78. Jonny 51,061,860
79. Kahvikuppi1,037,568
80. Code Kunst999,580
81. Iron Gundon999,342
82. Ironderedas976,390
83. Otsep954,270
84. Zexa952,498
85. Ironboink949,556
86. Fe Ap894,427
87. Iron Alpha879,590
88. Iron Fed847,639
89. Iron Etamin829,050
90. Staticraiin801,948
91. The Trihard800,840
92. Ldeliverance791,900
93. Good Cuddler769,690
94. Jonsig755,520
95. Myanime List742,545
96. Pee Vee M738,220
97. Needgold1234733,372
98. Iron Simple710,302
99. Iron Hazr700,270
100. Chonged695,810


1. Shampoo42,936,165
2. Otsep13,415,670
3. Chonged12,885,980
4. War Criminal11,292,761
5. Karepow11,048,927
6. Crosscanada10,975,702
7. Call Anthony10,227,604
8. Farseer Hat9,070,828
9. Smotsi8,314,730
10. Lorem Puella8,153,091
11. Ironize8,086,080
12. Firelake7,655,157
13. Strawbs7,646,476
14. Puppadiles7,446,810
15. Exion7,375,745
16. 32 Kay7,035,011
17. D0nt Trade6,827,164
18. I Am Gandalf6,674,430
19. Biohaze Q P6,335,806
20. Fl0g6,269,550
21. Katze Btw5,838,026
22. Iron Wiseass5,791,370
23. Iron Akavie5,661,955
24. Ho Od5,340,420
25. Runnynumber25,131,697
26. Ozziah4,914,875
27. High Pirate4,895,699
28. Pakasiu Tave4,714,650
29. Deadly Dooby4,620,060
30. Tztok Ham4,197,615
31. 3km4,157,560
32. 3 Cc4,148,788
33. La Hora4,123,563
34. Aurizon4,036,452
35. Why Try4,008,082
36. Im Sofa4,000,312
37. Tiega3,996,820
38. Mobile Data3,979,450
39. Bazy3,689,277
40. Mr Feman3,597,164
41. Toxicdabs4203,536,580
42. Olly Men3,437,358
43. Kalphiteking3,403,109
44. St Vicious3,322,530
45. Itiswedsdude3,269,980
46. Vhennypoo2,916,830
47. Iron Zewm2,858,630
48. Irondurza2,836,453
49. Bluntology2,795,365
50. Autisticiron2,750,110
51. Thegreatcuck2,740,812
52. Iron Wyz2,703,139
53. Forti2,696,150
54. Iron Iftic2,635,913
55. Tasty Pot2,628,507
56. Billybo2,584,442
57. Actually Bad2,555,340
58. Ya Boi Sam2,496,640
59. Wheres My Pp2,486,240
60. Drbudhead2,463,180
61. Bergis2,445,600
62. Iron Lincler2,419,103
63. Iron Simple2,400,981
64. Antique Lamp2,383,320
65. Whopper Jr2,359,200
66. Onecallbtw2,323,441
67. Ironhuntos2,301,760
68. Slayuh2,269,890
69. Jackdaripahh2,241,520
70. Iusedtobuygp2,186,515
71. Iron K32,096,452
72. Thepetgrind2,077,405
73. Kahvikuppi1,962,228
74. Hc Tokin1,926,980
75. Master Riven1,911,805
76. Ironderedas1,881,798
77. Shag N Scoob1,859,704
78. Ineed2quitim1,829,839
79. Co Fe1,822,870
80. Catmasterbar1,812,130
81. Iron Trigs1,811,215
82. Iron Steveb1,802,785
83. Todobien1,789,660
84. Waste Mans1,748,272
85. Alexbradley1,747,670
86. Luktar Bajs1,730,669
87. Jonny 51,661,347
88. Ldeliverance1,654,480
89. Iron Finasta1,627,722
90. Just Iron1,602,912
91. Code Kunst1,596,667
92. Fireroth1,575,717
93. Iron Tysawn1,542,190
94. Utzgutz1,529,516
95. Drunk War1,486,840
96. 0xbitcoin1,474,136
97. S3nd Bobs1,459,568
98. Latias Btw1,457,000
99. Axeleebob1,453,372
100. Zexa1,411,862
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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