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Agility Hiscores: Records for All Irons Woodcutting Event


1. Lorem Puella1,283,009
2. Shampoo1,159,024
3. Katze Btw1,118,930
4. Latias Btw942,877
5. 3 Cc915,915
6. Deadly Dooby823,927
7. Ho Od812,505
8. Iron Tysawn760,647
9. La Hora714,791
10. War Criminal685,565
11. Firelake671,156
12. Farseer Hat620,232
13. Iron K3611,632
14. High Pirate603,642
15. Iron Wiseass583,990
16. Bluntology580,281
17. Strawbs574,124
18. Chonged571,425
19. Otsep551,928
20. Thepetgrind527,572
21. Huck Im Figh506,240
22. Exion483,225
23. Mr Feman466,980
24. Iron Trigs461,150
25. Fl0g456,468
26. Shampoe448,850
27. Iron Iftic447,530
28. Hentai Girlz445,992
29. Mobile Data417,921
30. Tiega397,657
31. Kalphiteking393,795
32. Vhennypoo393,700
33. S3nd Bobs375,101
34. Iron Lincler358,440
35. Itiswedsdude350,066
36. Ozziah339,483
37. Pakasiu Tave330,026
38. Aurizon324,158
39. Im Sofa318,370
40. Drbudhead318,178
41. Onecallbtw314,500
42. Im Zoo293,615
43. Iron Akavie275,275
44. Syke Out274,950
45. Billybo274,343
46. Karepow272,966
47. Utzgutz267,770
48. Bazy264,340
49. Fe Hemi261,784
50. Waste Mans260,595
51. Hedpe251,805
52. Ya Boi Sam250,981
53. Clxygn250,185
54. Ogironmonkey249,458
55. Afktimes225,998
56. Phoam224,000
57. Luktar Bajs223,715
58. Not Thnder213,600
59. Ironize213,430
60. Olly Men210,285
61. Pee Vee M209,480
62. The Trihard202,212
63. Wheres My Pp199,569
64. Iron Wyz199,232
65. Ironredskull197,380
66. Whopper Jr194,549
67. Sr7an187,216
68. Bergis183,750
69. I Am Gandalf183,540
70. Uimdad179,140
71. Ironboink174,225
72. Autisticiron171,905
73. Im Gud Trust171,790
74. Thegreatcuck169,670
75. Iron Steveb166,870
76. Iron Nellz165,270
77. Iron Finasta164,570
78. Iron Hazr156,456
79. Actually Bad152,895
80. Good Cuddler150,685
81. Ldeliverance149,340
82. Tztok Ham147,639
83. Kkonaflea145,984
84. Why Try145,770
85. Toxicdabs420142,760
86. Ur A Narc139,935
87. Code Kunst127,817
88. Fe Colombian124,834
89. 1101i117,530
90. Cordys Btw113,959
91. Drunk War111,105
92. Uim Napkin108,842
93. Ladyjan Btw107,951
94. Todo Bien105,543
95. Lady Cynder104,816
96. Kahvikuppi103,727
97. Breez103,330
98. Ineed2quitim103,235
99. Hibbs6102,685
100. Feblumpkin102,560


1. Shampoo6,575,202
2. Lorem Puella6,394,285
3. 3 Cc5,870,734
4. Latias Btw4,557,140
5. Farseer Hat4,177,981
6. Katze Btw3,860,437
7. War Criminal3,569,462
8. Deadly Dooby3,508,184
9. Bluntology3,133,630
10. Strawbs2,628,326
11. Otsep2,558,328
12. Chonged2,395,343
13. Iron Tysawn2,301,785
14. Fl0g2,280,388
15. Thepetgrind2,231,070
16. Iron Wiseass2,212,231
17. Kalphiteking1,790,428
18. Mr Feman1,746,003
19. Vhennypoo1,739,034
20. Iron Akavie1,679,660
21. Iron K31,617,980
22. High Pirate1,605,334
23. Pakasiu Tave1,519,762
24. Mobile Data1,519,199
25. Iron Trigs1,484,633
26. Shampoe1,446,836
27. Ozziah1,411,540
28. Firelake1,396,282
29. Im Zoo1,367,267
30. Aurizon1,305,278
31. Ho Od1,269,645
32. Olly Men1,253,854
33. Exion1,166,652
34. Dope Doctor1,123,940
35. Drbudhead1,103,626
36. Hentai Girlz1,081,416
37. Ironderedas1,044,995
38. Onecallbtw1,044,184
39. Hedpe1,003,835
40. Pee Vee M993,860
41. Todobien986,576
42. Iron Iftic974,555
43. Bazy887,050
44. Karepow881,784
45. La Hora859,972
46. S3nd Bobs838,940
47. Iron Steveb829,241
48. Clxygn796,415
49. Thegreatcuck776,126
50. Whopper Jr771,153
51. I Am Gandalf769,845
52. Huck Im Figh762,886
53. Runeboi6969762,017
54. Itiswedsdude752,784
55. Billybo735,742
56. Iron Lincler703,139
57. Wheres My Pp684,759
58. Luktar Bajs674,594
59. Im Stark658,714
60. Why Try628,736
61. Drunk War621,142
62. Tasty Pot616,160
63. Utzgutz607,592
64. Im Sofa599,736
65. Gengar Turds585,602
66. Toxicdabs420574,631
67. Waste Mans557,011
68. Dialing528,895
69. Not Thnder521,236
70. Astrologist507,739
71. Iron Wyz507,048
72. Ironize470,342
73. Ladyjan Btw470,174
74. Sr7an469,194
75. Jackdaripahh467,748
76. Iron Drezkon465,176
77. Iusedtobuygp445,140
78. Ur A Narc439,264
79. Iori Nagase439,175
80. Syke Out432,981
81. Cordys Btw432,320
82. I Use The Ge431,145
83. 1101i428,730
84. Iron Hazr423,688
85. Tiega418,709
86. Good Cuddler410,721
87. Ya Boi Sam378,991
88. Im Gud Trust362,289
89. Fe Hemi361,823
90. Ogironmonkey359,708
91. Iron Nellz356,859
92. Ironjuko351,789
93. Iron Gundon346,392
94. Autisticiron344,271
95. Iron Alpha339,960
96. Breez338,410
97. Afktimes329,494
98. Testing Fate326,359
99. Kymatiks320,343
100. Ineed2quitim309,973


1. Shampoo14,591,135
2. Phoam10,489,849
3. 3 Cc10,449,455
4. War Criminal9,701,017
5. Lorem Puella9,574,166
6. Bluntology7,700,391
7. Latias Btw7,663,141
8. Farseer Hat6,923,325
9. Iron Wiseass6,372,332
10. La Hora6,255,468
11. Iron K35,968,284
12. Pakasiu Tave5,627,142
13. Mobile Data5,600,186
14. Strawbs5,550,243
15. Kalphiteking5,418,315
16. Fl0g5,173,660
17. High Pirate4,673,030
18. Katze Btw4,484,378
19. Iron Tysawn4,484,338
20. Deadly Dooby4,037,241
21. Im Zoo3,839,577
22. Otsep3,832,383
23. Ozziah3,790,724
24. Drunk War3,601,089
25. Thegreatcuck3,400,321
26. Dope Doctor3,253,842
27. Iron Trigs3,253,671
28. Chonged3,139,389
29. Vhennypoo3,061,864
30. S3nd Bobs3,033,248
31. D0nt Trade3,032,404
32. Thepetgrind3,019,437
33. Smotsi2,792,370
34. Ironderedas2,622,503
35. Iron Steveb2,370,829
36. Aurizon2,354,053
37. Ho Od2,340,610
38. Olly Men2,281,870
39. Drbudhead2,234,301
40. Shampoe2,203,426
41. Onecallbtw2,197,107
42. Wheres My Pp2,161,119
43. Firelake2,077,334
44. Karepow1,933,282
45. Iron Iftic1,915,313
46. Exion1,882,950
47. Mr Feman1,746,642
48. Iron Akavie1,714,384
49. Billybo1,574,506
50. Im Stark1,404,942
51. Hedpe1,306,100
52. Luktar Bajs1,293,519
53. Tasty Pot1,243,353
54. Iusedtobuygp1,192,497
55. Hentai Girlz1,172,932
56. Pee Vee M1,167,564
57. Ironredskull1,095,437
58. I Am Gandalf1,043,642
59. Iron Hazr1,032,979
60. Ladyjan Btw1,023,227
61. Bazy1,011,979
62. Iron Lincler1,009,250
63. Todobien992,689
64. The Weenster980,701
65. Itiswedsdude928,324
66. Whopper Jr927,369
67. Syke Out925,124
68. Wuu2912,302
69. Utzgutz906,018
70. 1101i894,908
71. Uim Lamp870,810
72. Tiega861,270
73. Clxygn836,096
74. Cyris Steel820,069
75. I Manofiron818,885
76. Cordys Btw800,183
77. Iron Drezkon799,707
78. Runeboi6969780,773
79. Im Sofa779,028
80. Zanpakto0768,338
81. Quantum Fe764,543
82. Waste Mans763,664
83. Huck Im Figh762,886
84. Sr7an759,848
85. Good Cuddler744,491
86. Iron Wyz737,699
87. Gengar Turds737,675
88. Toxicdabs420737,498
89. Iron Gundon729,828
90. Im Gud Trust728,345
91. Alexbradley727,746
92. Iron Simple695,398
93. Jackdaripahh671,828
94. Ur A Narc669,886
95. Runnynumber2652,313
96. Bopcore644,864
97. Why Try630,644
98. I Use The Ge622,861
99. Bergis621,151
100. Axeleebob615,372
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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