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Herblore Hiscores: Records for Rising Gods New


1. Dothalican4,589,190
2. Apaat4,148,460
3. Powerfull3,350,263
4. Thy Odama3,082,575
5. Big Chest3,048,576
6. Linkseratten2,483,640
7. Dutch Hato2,248,380
8. Jan En Karel2,153,340
9. Mebo1,994,057
10. Dikke Hobbit1,815,165
11. Fade Zz1,775,850
12. El Znorro1,693,410
13. Brazym1,663,900
14. Power Helmie1,652,524
15. Kony4ever1,589,070
16. Alonelyplace1,458,345
17. Balkenende1,423,332
18. Porsie Pruts1,415,922
19. Skillerc41,410,821
20. D Imitri1,398,300
21. Brass Pen1,042,763
22. Rolde1,042,200
23. Stylish Main940,350
24. Kakker896,049
25. Djio808,650
26. Vuur Vlam716,872
27. Merhex589,757
28. Ellie Lust468,025
29. Giogainzz453,918
30. Ziggo415,727
31. Koning Broer334,400
32. Rg Ruben322,570
33. Captainpief295,492
34. Whisky Cola228,900
35. El Toroloco175,188
36. Liveyourlife88,270
37. Malasorte20,000
38. Pwnnya20,000
39. Ez Klaplong12,288
40. Chef Amstel10,908
41. Faketaxi4209,263
42. Ozzborn7,234
43. Lord Tim V2,010
44. J F K1,086
45. Tf4 Beast885
46. Thohakon798
47. El Coholic695
48. Lik Mn Raid680


1. Apaat12,106,912
2. Big Chest12,015,600
3. Linkseratten9,711,180
4. Fade Zz7,537,875
5. Dutch Hato7,340,100
6. Thy Odama6,755,413
7. D Imitri6,676,500
8. Powerfull6,512,128
9. Mebo6,082,097
10. Dothalican6,053,267
11. Djio5,735,285
12. Whisky Cola5,611,200
13. El Znorro5,580,525
14. Brazym5,522,863
15. Rolde5,165,412
16. Alonelyplace4,156,857
17. Dikke Hobbit4,145,270
18. Skillerc43,523,736
19. Jan En Karel3,361,821
20. Giogainzz3,325,275
21. Kony4ever3,196,470
22. Power Helmie2,888,393
23. Captainpief2,879,961
24. Balkenende2,795,751
25. Porsie Pruts2,650,757
26. Kakker1,748,621
27. Koning Broer1,567,663
28. Stylish Main1,511,835
29. Brass Pen1,496,514
30. Vuur Vlam1,132,567
31. Merhex875,221
32. Rg Ruben739,197
33. Lik Mn Raid540,030
34. Ziggo536,272
35. Ellie Lust518,076
36. Chef Amstel409,240
37. Liveyourlife341,550
38. Pwnnya239,291
39. El Toroloco221,067
40. Ozzborn151,563
41. Ez Klaplong61,613
42. Tf4 Beast47,515
43. Malasorte20,318
44. Slay Smoker20,005
45. Day Fighter19,058
46. J F K18,440
47. Thohakon10,755
48. Faketaxi4209,263
49. Lord Tim V3,163
50. El Coholic1,250
51. Echt Wel380
52. Sensiimillia168


1. Big Chest35,394,340
2. Linkseratten18,745,361
3. Apaat12,696,817
4. Mebo12,625,203
5. Brazym11,408,571
6. Alonelyplace11,405,199
7. Fade Zz7,688,430
8. Ozzborn7,652,793
9. Dothalican7,565,001
10. Koning Broer7,564,314
11. Rolde7,415,601
12. Dutch Hato7,341,134
13. D Imitri7,222,350
14. Whisky Cola7,154,100
15. Powerfull6,912,112
16. Thy Odama6,768,618
17. Liveyourlife6,447,070
18. Giogainzz6,361,544
19. Djio5,735,285
20. El Znorro5,605,822
21. Skillerc45,429,028
22. Jan En Karel5,096,328
23. Balkenende4,600,245
24. Porsie Pruts4,202,957
25. Dikke Hobbit4,153,550
26. Power Helmie3,740,076
27. Kony4ever3,197,982
28. Captainpief3,155,992
29. Kakker3,038,428
30. Stylish Main2,642,695
31. El Toroloco2,583,287
32. Brass Pen1,856,970
33. Malasorte1,750,033
34. J F K1,339,197
35. Lik Mn Raid1,277,982
36. Chef Amstel1,209,109
37. Ziggo1,181,032
38. Vuur Vlam1,132,621
39. Merhex883,055
40. Rg Ruben754,012
41. Ez Klaplong581,172
42. Thohakon549,833
43. Ellie Lust537,163
44. Tf4 Beast339,556
45. Pwnnya259,929
46. Xmssflowerx238,875
47. Slay Smoker30,000
48. Day Fighter26,618
49. Sensiimillia14,965
50. Faketaxi4209,263
51. Lord Tim V6,168
52. El Coholic1,945
53. Echt Wel380
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Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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