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Mining Hiscores: Records for Ascend 6 15 2018


1. Bye Felicia1,977,647
2. Spliffens1,191,873
3. Any 2 Go1,097,213
4. Viki1,035,545
5. Im Bo Licht1,007,714
6. Mij989,998
7. Cloud Surge949,659
8. Road Sign911,689
9. Carino908,228
10. $5.00 Donator Gords901,092
11. Restricted871,981
12. Iamslimshady801,644
13. L2d3761,443
14. Jd7724,680
15. Credibility714,943
16. Zewx689,622
17. Chellyy674,543
18. Firefoxmegz673,290
19. Sykes663,515
20. Benman656,834
21. Samzh649,921
22. Kebab Store640,852
23. Beginnings623,561
24. $5.00 Donator Nags618,266
25. T Lme606,999
26. D7k593,986
27. Margana584,990
28. Zuriels549,125
29. Obvious Lee548,925
30. Swxv546,358
31. Blgesus545,037
32. Big Boone544,711
33. Lazy Yoshi537,127
34. Io Jah Pul520,451
35. Unfearful515,734
36. Takenotesnow505,883
37. Hexicutioner496,866
38. Pistoliftero486,841
39. Mito472,635
40. Breakingseth471,664
41. $5.00 Donator Siorri459,210
42. 28 Gram427,393
43. Marth2king424,256
44. Murdocniccal420,877
45. Cavs418,449
46. $15.00 Donator Pumpkinlatte417,178
47. X Axis406,327
48. Indrado405,648
49. Onle400,085
50. Rulesy399,477
51. Wyler396,342
52. Z W E Y395,410
53. Starda394,965
54. Big Winner392,695
55. Grass Hopper388,284
56. Ocean Ducky385,359
57. Jung Eunji367,068
58. The 1 Liquid358,321
59. Trav Pirate353,799
60. Manga350,763
61. Yayy344,583
62. Coach Wright335,213
63. Bonyip308,375
64. Minorthreat302,135
65. Uki Skillz293,002
66. Your Senpai291,910
67. Nobudy291,182
68. Fazzz284,475
69. Relent1ess283,422
70. Epiyon281,734
71. Lewyn279,566
72. Sc30279,072
73. Braves272,031
74. Chamby260,387
75. Not Noob259,343
76. S A S U K E259,289
77. Jupl234258,610
78. Jjj258,543
79. Kentuckyblue257,294
80. Saifphire251,412
81. Exiquio251,138
82. Xvash249,573
83. Groesbeek243,669
84. Matjacko238,139
85. Balroz233,480
86. Arrowjoe221,248
87. Abn Texas220,749
88. Mongler219,574
89. Heavybowgun213,642
90. Workflow210,475
91. M L P208,717
92. Hallowed206,100
93. Dark Uzi202,367
94. Nubbed199,195
95. Perfect Hat192,983
96. Zdog191,461
97. Apumulator186,759
98. Wuu185,515
99. Mcribs Back185,011
100. Admiration180,814


1. Bye Felicia5,808,267
2. Viki5,805,304
3. Chellyy4,224,185
4. Epiyon4,189,082
5. Zewx4,026,895
6. $5.00 Donator Gords3,675,086
7. Spliffens3,656,820
8. Kebab Store3,564,871
9. Cloud Surge3,478,965
10. Mij3,413,698
11. Im Bo Licht3,312,276
12. Samzh3,266,641
13. Jd73,213,465
14. Any 2 Go3,138,615
15. Sykes3,067,853
16. Road Sign2,894,744
17. Iamslimshady2,889,102
18. Restricted2,789,052
19. D7k2,722,969
20. Credibility2,684,215
21. Lazy Yoshi2,523,360
22. Hexicutioner2,492,928
23. Unfearful2,487,194
24. Margana2,474,770
25. Zuriels2,419,750
26. Swxv2,380,353
27. Carino2,291,911
28. $5.00 Donator Nags2,285,815
29. Beginnings2,209,965
30. Benman2,171,373
31. Mito2,167,270
32. Bonyip2,152,963
33. Obvious Lee2,092,559
34. Firefoxmegz2,047,840
35. S A S U K E1,958,835
36. X Axis1,951,481
37. Breakingseth1,949,436
38. Z W E Y1,922,401
39. Murdocniccal1,883,314
40. Manga1,821,887
41. Pistoliftero1,814,239
42. $15.00 Donator Pumpkinlatte1,769,098
43. Hallowed1,732,526
44. Blgesus1,665,053
45. Trav Pirate1,656,583
46. T Lme1,608,502
47. Matjacko1,576,223
48. Wyler1,575,885
49. Indrado1,571,838
50. Relent1ess1,540,755
51. Big Boone1,520,985
52. Marth2king1,505,936
53. Cavs1,487,596
54. Nobudy1,471,190
55. Your Senpai1,401,182
56. Braves1,391,912
57. Jupl2341,378,838
58. 28 Gram1,364,915
59. Groesbeek1,364,773
60. The 1 Liquid1,334,144
61. Onle1,320,070
62. Exiquio1,290,704
63. Lewyn1,245,059
64. Takenotesnow1,222,848
65. L2d31,221,612
66. Uki Skillz1,215,141
67. Jung Eunji1,182,566
68. Saifphire1,171,108
69. $5.00 Donator Siorri1,152,854
70. Coach Wright1,081,844
71. Stoky1,042,043
72. Wones1,041,449
73. Minorthreat1,039,252
74. Io Jah Pul1,012,786
75. Balroz991,202
76. Rothgor978,980
77. Rulesy976,712
78. Diet Poke951,312
79. Yayy934,653
80. Starda931,803
81. Sc30917,376
82. Engineered909,812
83. Essencehour880,527
84. Kentuckyblue878,371
85. Grass Hopper878,220
86. Abn Texas876,867
87. User187875,087
88. Tektern834,522
89. Thizz Or Die825,911
90. Jbonez4life810,876
91. Rexx808,428
92. Canadian Gj791,767
93. Xvash782,943
94. M L P780,140
95. Ocean Ducky776,116
96. Big Winner775,624
97. Luckiest Day770,066
98. Campus Crew761,308
99. Admiration758,096
100. Toxic Luck757,728


1. Carino8,637,282
2. Zewx8,494,792
3. Zuriels8,314,975
4. Margana8,255,395
5. Iamslimshady7,987,437
6. Jd77,969,551
7. Credibility7,834,511
8. S A S U K E7,682,364
9. Viki7,674,565
10. Swxv7,549,848
11. Chellyy7,504,509
12. Mito7,394,537
13. Sykes7,111,627
14. Cloud Surge7,063,127
15. Im Bo Licht6,936,851
16. $15.00 Donator Pumpkinlatte6,658,449
17. Pistoliftero6,617,427
18. Matjacko6,617,125
19. Beginnings6,570,336
20. Murdocniccal6,562,223
21. Unfearful6,528,374
22. Bye Felicia6,353,402
23. Kebab Store6,351,027
24. Spliffens6,263,649
25. Any 2 Go6,150,321
26. Hexicutioner6,109,608
27. Lazy Yoshi6,084,764
28. Epiyon6,018,651
29. Bonyip5,979,550
30. Trav Pirate5,863,037
31. Cavs5,838,494
32. Obvious Lee5,721,579
33. Samzh5,697,847
34. Marth2king5,661,698
35. Exiquio5,139,532
36. D7k5,105,767
37. Road Sign5,089,583
38. Hallowed5,069,061
39. Relent1ess4,677,838
40. Breakingseth4,671,048
41. Z W E Y4,596,013
42. The 1 Liquid4,462,275
43. Braves4,447,127
44. $5.00 Donator Gords4,352,348
45. Mij4,348,167
46. Jung Eunji4,282,655
47. X Axis4,260,781
48. Jbonez4life4,203,512
49. Indrado4,170,395
50. Kawaiii4,167,656
51. Uki Skillz4,136,725
52. Jupl2344,016,341
53. Restricted4,001,932
54. Onle3,968,286
55. Toxic Luck3,842,775
56. Coach Wright3,840,249
57. Your Senpai3,785,468
58. Nobudy3,743,244
59. Takenotesnow3,661,522
60. Dark Uzi3,631,302
61. $5.00 Donator Siorri3,590,081
62. Big Boone3,568,940
63. Essencehour3,558,317
64. Fyrwin3,349,545
65. Xvash3,349,276
66. T Lme3,346,163
67. Saifphire3,321,236
68. Wones3,242,616
69. L2d33,185,540
70. Firefoxmegz2,944,855
71. Doimakeuwet2,942,361
72. Manga2,940,754
73. Kentuckyblue2,903,579
74. Jjj2,902,757
75. Meaty Donger2,877,751
76. User1872,807,758
77. Benman2,782,589
78. Rulesy2,768,186
79. Sc302,738,823
80. Admiration2,664,966
81. Blgesus2,644,112
82. 28 Gram2,626,662
83. Iron Wok2,596,195
84. $5.00 Donator Nags2,581,128
85. Timetoeat2,535,559
86. Workflow2,518,664
87. Hugostiglitz2,368,429
88. Engineered2,347,113
89. Stoky2,331,246
90. Chamby2,328,281
91. Groesbeek2,326,798
92. Campus Crew2,300,196
93. Combat Axe2,123,800
94. 3tv2,016,338
95. Canadian Gj1,984,266
96. Luckiest Day1,974,056
97. Mahanimal1,911,468
98. Al Kharida1,910,705
99. Dankumz1,872,110
100. Lewyn1,870,850
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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