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Slayer Hiscores: Records for Potato Nation


1. Zary484,388
2. Muzket359,630
3. Falconsouls352,961
4. Nexxtar351,464
5. Evilfootlong320,728
6. Glnger312,647
7. Andy43229310,920
8. Zagz272,434
9. Bludgeoner0242,196
10. Raur236,695
11. Lumo224,597
12. Patrouski218,353
13. Marioh215,470
14. Xxxcool Dog215,413
15. Fe Burns203,618
16. 713x202,117
17. W A R S201,637
18. Ivan Ooze180,239
19. Asylum178,785
20. Ozztrev175,245
21. Muskets170,280
22. A Lycann168,832
23. Treye158,831
24. Chorzo150,939
25. Lennn148,618
26. Pextile144,692
27. I Uh132,451
28. Pextill111,574
29. Tabs Of God109,540
30. Sp33d Dem0n102,660
31. Sir Rando93,271
32. King Cj 1959,852
33. El Potato42,065
34. Preposition40,798
35. Demaulished38,500
36. Animalstyle31,201
37. Ross Scape30,989
38. Sakiibombb27,653
39. Taintedsteel20,987
40. $70.00 Donator + Legend Dave From Au5,000
41. Jayrossi2,343


1. Muzket1,726,607
2. Zary1,719,363
3. Andy432291,686,670
4. Evilfootlong1,556,514
5. Glnger1,447,026
6. Falconsouls1,386,985
7. Nexxtar1,373,543
8. Marioh1,042,089
9. Lumo918,496
10. Patrouski866,450
11. Zagz833,248
12. Raur799,423
13. Bludgeoner0794,964
14. Fe Burns768,957
15. W A R S740,437
16. 713x722,135
17. Asylum705,334
18. Chorzo682,625
19. A Lycann621,223
20. Ivan Ooze616,172
21. Xxxcool Dog606,917
22. $70.00 Donator + Legend Dave From Au576,409
23. Lennn508,319
24. Tabs Of God481,878
25. Pextill430,082
26. Sp33d Dem0n368,751
27. Ross Scape352,297
28. Ozztrev326,330
29. Muskets310,458
30. I Uh303,422
31. Pextile286,364
32. King Cj 19278,090
33. Treye204,243
34. El Potato174,487
35. Demaulished153,162
36. Sir Rando133,058
37. Jayrossi111,618
38. Preposition103,966
39. Animalstyle89,796
40. Taintedsteel46,236
41. Sakiibombb43,239
42. D Es6,750


1. Zary5,786,539
2. Evilfootlong5,250,281
3. Muzket4,429,220
4. Falconsouls2,931,673
5. Marioh2,800,642
6. Patrouski2,726,431
7. Glnger2,698,497
8. Lumo2,554,581
9. 713x2,279,992
10. Asylum2,279,437
11. Andy432292,172,391
12. Chorzo2,117,503
13. $70.00 Donator + Legend Dave From Au2,111,440
14. W A R S2,099,782
15. Raur2,015,196
16. Nexxtar1,946,235
17. Zagz1,790,613
18. A Lycann1,732,276
19. Muskets1,646,022
20. Fe Burns1,637,562
21. Xxxcool Dog1,494,964
22. Bludgeoner01,470,406
23. Lennn1,290,846
24. Tabs Of God1,250,546
25. Sakiibombb1,154,318
26. Pextile1,140,068
27. Ross Scape1,129,664
28. Pextill1,117,027
29. Ivan Ooze862,499
30. Ozztrev831,500
31. Treye826,548
32. Sp33d Dem0n733,453
33. King Cj 19693,663
34. El Potato615,035
35. Demaulished514,190
36. D Es487,417
37. I Uh458,688
38. Sir Rando302,362
39. Jayrossi272,482
40. Preposition167,416
41. Animalstyle165,201
42. Taintedsteel141,163
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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