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Herblore Hiscores: Records for Infinity Rs


1. Macaron3,300,213
2. I Am Julian2,987,100
3. Thetinpeach2,857,695
4. Will Byers2,798,640
5. Frito2,559,737
6. Drunk Link2,336,100
7. L2d32,316,275
8. Inf Matt2,117,668
9. Wllkins2,042,300
10. Bomer1,950,727
11. Spadey1,909,440
12. Pelaaja11,799,700
13. Hi Im Gin1,772,370
14. Xerkz1,662,682
15. Poochman1,532,815
16. Nates1,494,852
17. Peter971,407,738
18. Bidls1,366,299
19. Gen 5 Best1,258,709
20. Myduck1,223,145
21. Xipi1,200,300
22. Zita1,195,680
23. Deedlebees1,193,563
24. Bellerin1,160,400
25. M 4 A 41,063,437
26. Watercow1,058,273
27. Brb Drugs1,029,826
28. Demanboy274990,293
29. Creightonrs974,100
30. Magikarper971,000
31. Inf Bunz949,279
32. Penny 4 Thot927,728
33. Jertan917,301
34. Jabrone910,325
35. Dishearted881,527
36. Pricos870,638
37. Davyjones350847,288
38. Yoshizilla842,238
39. Innie828,445
40. Wat817,560
41. Kingdipshit788,963
42. Slooge719,172
43. Dreamsauce715,575
44. Mr Big Boost660,285
45. D4masta631,354
46. Quitegoddish592,601
47. Sirbeerus585,701
48. Duck Licker557,950
49. Girl Twink553,943
50. Lostmyspoon529,219
51. Renkin Jutsu505,630
52. Pol Ite497,995
53. Sqad477,747
54. Temita470,488
55. Chikinnugget447,592
56. Trycksters428,767
57. Jr Warrep410,656
58. Piue393,923
59. Ihateprayer376,354
60. Blakeypoo374,650
61. Drunken Bear373,915
62. The Apina354,900
63. Jquilliam350,278
64. Nathanjcoyne304,424
65. Daherp296,644
66. Getmesometea288,135
67. Elite Buho277,365
68. Combatking13257,403
69. Bruh Im Hard245,883
70. Iron Hobbs228,795
71. Sn0ut222,943
72. Heavenly Ham200,020
73. Waxxy196,507
74. Highesthorse186,579
75. Ii Got Soul173,300
76. 2befrank168,502
77. Sir Prized158,365
78. Inf Skater155,308
79. Busy Dragon134,138
80. I3uy Unids116,738
81. Come Spoon116,050
82. Arena Victim102,885
83. Hazywreck101,873
84. Bermalberist101,397
85. Codeurface98,653
86. Madara98,457
87. Gnarlygnar6990,008
88. Bongbubbles85,860
89. Buggsbunny84,280
90. Miracle Pill84,201
91. Ryunmo80,709
92. Pbrew75,000
93. Iron Evan72,206
94. 0waffle70,600
95. Airyd68,250
96. Olm My God65,000
97. Gartlas48,500
98. Kaze48,394
99. Rocla47,019
100. Myreir43,828


1. Macaron7,686,150
2. Wllkins7,609,627
3. I Am Julian7,525,680
4. Hi Im Gin7,471,038
5. Spadey7,232,760
6. Xipi6,898,374
7. Will Byers6,724,345
8. Myduck6,434,745
9. Thetinpeach6,080,923
10. Drunk Link5,533,800
11. Bomer5,116,172
12. Creightonrs4,912,100
13. L2d34,805,937
14. Inf Matt4,670,588
15. Demanboy2744,654,743
16. Pelaaja14,650,192
17. Nates4,633,453
18. Peter974,331,655
19. Frito4,242,014
20. Kingdipshit4,134,265
21. Xerkz4,124,672
22. 1x1x3,217,991
23. Penny 4 Thot2,998,414
24. Jabrone2,914,778
25. Bermalberist2,823,372
26. Poochman2,808,729
27. Jertan2,758,090
28. Pktbm2,721,915
29. Watercow2,664,147
30. Dxterror2,635,704
31. Yoshizilla2,279,712
32. Codeurface2,245,039
33. Zita2,088,630
34. D4masta2,059,227
35. M 4 A 42,043,906
36. Piue1,894,319
37. Sirwhoppin1,871,025
38. Brb Drugs1,815,786
39. Wat1,671,660
40. Jquilliam1,666,085
41. Gen 5 Best1,661,964
42. Tolkir1,617,818
43. Sqad1,590,896
44. Mr Big Boost1,470,015
45. Iron Hobbs1,422,311
46. Magikarper1,418,071
47. Bidls1,384,171
48. Dreamsauce1,377,805
49. Bellerin1,362,158
50. Nathanjcoyne1,309,124
51. Waxxy1,303,062
52. Arena Victim1,299,539
53. Lostmyspoon1,280,529
54. Drunken Bear1,263,126
55. 0waffle1,227,968
56. Itsmatty1,227,407
57. Deedlebees1,193,563
58. Ryunmo1,117,488
59. Jr Warrep1,112,227
60. Pricos1,094,818
61. Sn0ut991,885
62. Duck Licker983,768
63. Inf Bunz960,690
64. Heavenly Ham949,395
65. Temita940,625
66. Rolandas607892,564
67. Dishearted886,821
68. Davyjones350867,135
69. Quitegoddish852,816
70. Chikinnugget852,401
71. Trycksters830,005
72. Innie829,675
73. Renkin Jutsu812,357
74. 2befrank804,246
75. Getmesometea775,603
76. Elite Buho759,720
77. Slooge719,278
78. Pol Ite694,193
79. Robjon7639,321
80. Hazywreck598,817
81. Girl Twink592,298
82. Busy Dragon592,027
83. Sirbeerus585,751
84. The Winner571,558
85. Highesthorse571,541
86. The Apina568,404
87. Ii Got Soul567,420
88. Pbrew551,530
89. Spacetoast507,525
90. Inzie495,000
91. Gartlas490,897
92. Myreir479,075
93. Bruh Im Hard438,262
94. Ihateprayer432,257
95. General Jupp426,083
96. Come Spoon415,149
97. Spankmeplz388,000
98. Blakeypoo384,904
99. Inf Skater369,756
100. Iron Evan368,729


1. Nates11,532,693
2. Macaron11,034,721
3. Spadey10,832,128
4. Creightonrs10,677,483
5. Bomer9,732,492
6. L2d39,389,931
7. Pktbm7,997,122
8. Peter977,673,608
9. 1x1x7,671,241
10. Pelaaja17,666,717
11. Wllkins7,625,884
12. Xipi7,605,468
13. Drunken Bear7,561,930
14. Blakeypoo7,542,508
15. I Am Julian7,527,939
16. Hi Im Gin7,483,054
17. Myduck7,480,761
18. Myreir7,474,273
19. Spankmeplz7,380,720
20. Drunk Link7,081,533
21. Will Byers6,969,530
22. Jabrone6,862,801
23. Yoshizilla6,524,082
24. Thetinpeach6,226,327
25. Demanboy2746,181,586
26. Dxterror5,716,206
27. H Alo5,518,240
28. Jertan5,457,415
29. Arena Victim5,429,969
30. Deedlebees4,946,552
31. Iron Hobbs4,925,920
32. Inf Matt4,755,364
33. Pyro Weak4,651,645
34. Inf Skater4,568,205
35. Poochman4,561,960
36. Spacetoast4,428,226
37. Drafting4,319,065
38. Xerkz4,256,441
39. Frito4,242,042
40. Kingdipshit4,134,510
41. Aipaca Bowl3,977,688
42. Bermalberist3,838,276
43. Soul Steal343,811,469
44. Jquilliam3,725,006
45. Mufossa18533,692,856
46. M 4 A 43,627,064
47. Wlcho3,616,694
48. Watercow3,536,788
49. Dreamsauce3,364,850
50. Elite Buho3,258,973
51. Sentically3,130,108
52. Penny 4 Thot3,055,784
53. Mr Big Boost3,034,554
54. Zita2,966,493
55. 2befrank2,905,005
56. Brb Drugs2,813,880
57. Weezer6762,804,324
58. Codeurface2,652,927
59. Wat2,625,300
60. Gen 5 Best2,618,124
61. D4masta2,577,598
62. Bellerin2,544,408
63. Weslee2,376,498
64. Jerec2,231,255
65. V  A   N  S2,206,295
66. Piue2,176,707
67. Pricos2,041,595
68. Duck Licker1,914,795
69. Nathanjcoyne1,902,003
70. Sirwhoppin1,871,025
71. Lastcalll1,799,358
72. Bidls1,768,677
73. Pol Ite1,715,451
74. R00n3y1,667,190
75. Sqad1,651,043
76. Highesthorse1,638,421
77. Tolkir1,623,394
78. Hashwater1,601,320
79. The Winner1,556,389
80. Waxxy1,525,292
81. Cook Ing1,496,768
82. Robjon71,495,261
83. Robb Bro1,487,673
84. 0waffle1,479,850
85. Girl Twink1,476,968
86. Ii Got Soul1,429,702
87. Magikarper1,420,935
88. Pben1,411,864
89. Hazywreck1,406,901
90. Rolandas6071,376,412
91. Misclicks1,372,909
92. Bevkat1,358,601
93. Lostmyspoon1,313,061
94. Inf Bunz1,303,825
95. Whats Hunter1,301,568
96. Sn0ut1,296,989
97. Jr Warrep1,296,970
98. Getmesometea1,246,711
99. Waivee1,236,838
100. Innie1,233,653
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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