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Cooking Hiscores: Records for Infinity Rs


1. Hi Im Gin6,147,600
2. Ihateprayer5,995,800
3. Merbz5,909,000
4. Macaron5,167,050
5. Thetinpeach4,973,850
6. Jertan3,213,100
7. Spadey3,028,600
8. Drunken Bear2,568,090
9. Wllkins2,339,600
10. Will Byers2,317,380
11. Gen 5 Best2,163,210
12. Bomer2,129,400
13. Hazywreck2,120,850
14. Nates1,993,180
15. Wargames111,980,760
16. 2befrank1,935,220
17. Pelaaja11,927,630
18. Sqad1,822,590
19. Jquilliam1,818,810
20. Pricos1,755,400
21. Misclicks1,755,200
22. Demanboy2741,745,310
23. H Alo1,561,660
24. Kingdipshit1,491,210
25. Frito1,469,600
26. Xerkz1,459,400
27. Quitegoddish1,388,520
28. Getmesometea1,320,600
29. L2d31,298,120
30. Arena Victim1,277,010
31. Creightonrs1,268,000
32. Yoshizilla1,237,400
33. Inf Bunz1,222,200
34. Zita1,218,040
35. Bellerin1,162,000
36. Trycksters1,085,294
37. Renkin Jutsu1,048,420
38. Weslee1,022,600
39. Bidls1,011,385
40. Poochman962,080
41. Myduck840,000
42. Wat827,400
43. D4masta804,090
44. Piue770,280
45. Drewsiron721,750
46. Magikarper711,840
47. Gnarlygnar69651,000
48. Madara617,600
49. Pbrew608,065
50. Pol Ite598,710
51. Come Spoon574,950
52. Myreir573,890
53. Chikinnugget534,320
54. Zyphior519,285
55. Girl Twink500,080
56. Brb Drugs473,800
57. Lostmyspoon456,330
58. Spec Boost437,690
59. Iron Hobbs434,100
60. Heavenly Ham339,946
61. Whats Hunter331,590
62. Spankmeplz304,200
63. Kaze276,960
64. Bruh Im Hard260,220
65. Inzie234,960
66. Under Cooked208,770
67. Miracle Pill197,130
68. B Ruised Lee151,950
69. Jr Warrep151,100
70. Jabrone143,155
71. Sn0ut142,600
72. Drunk Link137,080
73. Bigbobbossin129,660
74. Duck Licker127,830
75. Airyd125,330
76. Inf Whiskey114,800
77. Penny 4 Thot112,258
78. Rocla100,480
79. Bermalberist100,480
80. Busy Dragon85,907
81. Gartlas80,000
82. Robjon776,620
83. Iron Evan72,660
84. Codeurface52,920
85. Inf Matt49,950
86. Im Ekko48,660
87. Wawa Hoagie48,480
88. Bongbubbles36,120
89. Sirbeerus30,015
90. Deedlebees29,400
91. M 4 A 427,100
92. Tolkir19,400
93. The Apina17,214
94. I3uy Unids15,390
95. Inf Skater15,280
96. Mr Big Boost14,910
97. Combatking1314,735
98. Temita12,480
99. I Am Julian10,340
100. 89crymaster8,750


1. Macaron20,982,670
2. Thetinpeach17,097,280
3. Myduck10,391,490
4. Jertan9,742,515
5. Creightonrs9,156,400
6. Nates8,224,050
7. Ihateprayer8,145,400
8. Sqad8,102,640
9. Bomer7,657,150
10. Spadey7,542,470
11. L2d37,515,250
12. Kingdipshit7,212,794
13. Drewsiron7,185,790
14. Merbz6,597,800
15. Hi Im Gin6,409,600
16. Wllkins6,332,200
17. Frito6,311,890
18. Hazywreck6,078,720
19. Pelaaja16,045,039
20. Wargames115,650,550
21. Inzie5,089,830
22. Jquilliam4,962,930
23. Pricos4,872,210
24. Piue4,079,990
25. Will Byers3,991,260
26. Inf Skater3,976,730
27. Drunken Bear3,902,850
28. Zita3,876,580
29. Madara3,422,850
30. Renkin Jutsu3,370,440
31. Demanboy2743,336,690
32. Quitegoddish2,964,640
33. 1x1x2,900,600
34. Codeurface2,858,520
35. Inf Bunz2,682,030
36. Peter972,676,340
37. Getmesometea2,666,252
38. Whats Hunter2,644,530
39. D4masta2,557,200
40. Poochman2,543,200
41. Xerkz2,525,851
42. 2befrank2,351,013
43. Sir Prized2,218,020
44. Gen 5 Best2,163,210
45. Misclicks2,105,760
46. H Alo2,082,421
47. Come Spoon1,941,669
48. Arena Victim1,869,585
49. Brb Drugs1,807,350
50. Pol Ite1,783,245
51. Inf Matt1,777,000
52. Spec Boost1,756,970
53. Trycksters1,686,330
54. Batty471,560,510
55. Bidls1,522,627
56. Sn0ut1,515,930
57. Jerec1,435,200
58. Bellerin1,302,200
59. Miracle Pill1,299,210
60. Yoshizilla1,237,400
61. Magikarper1,201,680
62. Bruh Im Hard1,061,000
63. Weslee1,023,155
64. Penny 4 Thot969,360
65. Bigbobbossin939,410
66. The Winner932,610
67. Heavenly Ham915,146
68. Wat897,200
69. Robjon7883,429
70. Pbrew829,595
71. Itsmatty776,605
72. Spankmeplz773,800
73. Soul Steal34736,646
74. Girl Twink731,200
75. Iron Hobbs685,050
76. Gnarlygnar69651,000
77. Lostmyspoon642,004
78. Hasjonko629,160
79. Al Quo Maten621,000
80. Myreir602,960
81. Sirbeerus600,000
82. Zyphior551,512
83. Chikinnugget546,365
84. Jabrone482,368
85. 0waffle475,570
86. Kaze435,720
87. Iron Evan426,230
88. B Ruised Lee425,222
89. Bongbubbles393,375
90. Theukrainguy382,200
91. Robb Bro355,197
92. Nut7y Buddy350,277
93. Cooper2437348,995
94. Rocla339,930
95. Menthol 100s336,190
96. Under Cooked335,170
97. Osik333,153
98. Jr Warrep323,600
99. Duck Licker311,588
100. Wawa Hoagie303,510


1. Macaron86,568,550
2. Thetinpeach44,619,540
3. Myduck27,045,010
4. Creightonrs20,240,608
5. Spadey14,818,600
6. Bigbobbossin13,351,803
7. Deedlebees13,087,643
8. Toyshop11,755,800
9. Piue11,334,450
10. Soul Steal3411,042,390
11. Weezer67610,060,200
12. Jertan9,781,903
13. Robjon79,728,000
14. Innie9,574,290
15. Pelaaja19,568,751
16. Nates9,428,250
17. Frito9,372,007
18. Sqad9,292,870
19. Bomer9,193,818
20. Ii Got Soul9,059,470
21. Zita8,853,432
22. Spacetoast8,792,020
23. Will Byers8,632,940
24. Renkin Jutsu8,271,600
25. Rolandas6078,184,900
26. Ihateprayer8,179,420
27. Inzie8,105,540
28. 1x1x7,852,400
29. Xerkz7,687,790
30. L2d37,671,650
31. Spankmeplz7,528,800
32. Inf Skater7,451,280
33. Jquilliam7,428,000
34. V  A   N  S7,392,867
35. Demanboy2747,375,711
36. Drewsiron7,255,010
37. Kingdipshit7,212,794
38. Hazywreck7,128,720
39. Over H E A T6,995,000
40. Yoshizilla6,884,260
41. Hi Im Gin6,869,905
42. H Alo6,846,160
43. Merbz6,597,800
44. Highesthorse6,375,810
45. Myreir6,353,685
46. Wllkins6,332,200
47. Wargames115,654,420
48. The Winner5,635,663
49. Arena Victim5,585,725
50. Peter975,496,426
51. Codeurface5,384,610
52. Slooge5,250,510
53. Drunken Bear5,197,840
54. Duck Licker5,114,507
55. Batty474,973,780
56. Spec Boost4,892,100
57. Pricos4,872,585
58. Aipaca Bowl4,840,950
59. Pben4,657,210
60. Getmesometea3,912,580
61. D4masta3,836,000
62. 2befrank3,786,091
63. Madara3,695,890
64. R00n3y3,689,475
65. Hasjonko3,660,806
66. Robb Bro3,247,230
67. Inf Matt3,237,513
68. Jr Warrep3,112,507
69. Quitegoddish3,088,640
70. Cook Ing3,064,072
71. Hydrobud2,970,400
72. Trycksters2,868,673
73. Jerec2,851,338
74. Sn0ut2,803,625
75. Gen 5 Best2,791,688
76. Brb Drugs2,738,800
77. Inf Bunz2,682,030
78. Whats Hunter2,648,100
79. Poochman2,636,320
80. Sir Prized2,427,255
81. I3uy Unids2,368,377
82. Iron Evan2,335,972
83. Penny 4 Thot2,238,903
84. Bellerin2,232,800
85. Pol Ite2,208,570
86. Bidls2,119,847
87. Come Spoon2,114,554
88. Iron Hobbs2,112,380
89. Misclicks2,106,520
90. Menthol 100s2,099,370
91. Im Ekko2,096,460
92. Bevkat2,018,200
93. Theukrainguy1,930,550
94. Wat1,926,600
95. Grantsrs1,739,000
96. Waivee1,669,200
97. Xipi1,591,975
98. Girl Twink1,536,607
99. Jabrone1,498,104
100. Pbrew1,457,699
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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