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Magic Hiscores: Current Top

  |   Year ->


241. Cedolad27,646
242. Tess Callas27,481
243. Hlua27,455
244. Zuuzi Solo27,351
245. Peteymcfly27,244
246. Scumnanna26,915
247. Draco26,838
248. Thums26,549
249. Neverfallbac26,483
250. Tewbular26,323
251. Punsexual26,309
252. Chaoticalf2p26,256
253. Roestig15226,018
254. Lemonboltx25,698
255. Faik News25,381
256. 1wisp25,347
257. Magicianeer925,320
258. Zukdeeznut25,278
259. Cskt25,074
260. Fernau24,655
261. Gozir24,268
262. Cabrinhafe24,214
263. Ichi6an24,174
264. Dj Mad Rng24,114
265. Lil Sheev23,967
266. Ishmaeldonny23,717
267. Rice Boots23,708
268. Solar Factor23,697
269. Skatmanskibi23,400
270. Gold Avocado23,340


241. Altacation987,224
242. Runerd984,676
243. Cake Qp979,791
244. Cab975,885
245. Karhuii974,423
246. B K E B Y969,996
247. Icychidori7967,250
248. Keisari965,129
249. Quizmaa964,114
250. Scrig963,743
251. Thums961,894
252. Z Ranger958,957
253. Flippinskilz957,364
254. Sickgamebro956,444
255. N I S H952,068
256. Kdani951,809
257. Sprycel951,274
258. Kuramaha950,521
259. 360000882638949,952
260. Stack Red948,531
261. Retired Gm948,369
262. Dead Sellout946,341
263. Hulikopteeri943,342
264. Zjess937,876
265. De64936,117
266. Roachbook934,909
267. L Ek929,812
268. La Hora929,417
269. Sorenn928,357
270. Rickyhorizon926,565


241. Sheeshlor5,187,264
242. Kartoesh5,180,671
243. Addiction5,163,873
244. Rahul6195,154,149
245. Bottleo5,141,819
246. Moxes5,118,737
247. K R U K5,105,242
248. Old Boy J5,071,333
249. Roppig5,022,999
250. Kuemper5,022,880
251. Ninjabink5,021,650
252. Celestialove5,021,275
253. Indy Ju5,000,387
254. Lilith4,996,507
255. Damneddaniel4,970,118
256. Pure4,969,216
257. Prawny4,968,890
258. Senophyte4,961,218
259. Vaisu4,931,567
260. Sparc Crac4,918,977
261. Summerscaper4,896,230
262. Eldest Roshi4,892,643
263. 0mg A Scimmy4,888,664
264. Marrer4,881,903
265. Casual Hindu4,877,573
266. Yaksaysbaroo4,834,661
267. Gwn Ne Main4,832,268
268. Darkseance4,828,066
269. Cvbj4,826,406
270. Ladbrook4,812,318
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Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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