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Woodcutting Hiscores: Current Top for test

  |   Year ->




31. Xhally4,074
32. Shinigami3,625
33. Knight Of 32,493
34. Coach Wright2,000
35. D4tchy1,975
36. Vgtrs1,708
37. Custom Tk1,656
38. Striker8 01,542
39. Pmy391,440
40. Just Gains1,300
41. Coronel763
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

Player Group