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Herblore Hiscores: Current Top

  |   Year ->


1801. Tarwars4,003
1802. Frog E Hair4,002
1803. Smerkeh4,000
1804. Big D8254,000
1805. Gimkill Less3,993
1806. Evil Pawg3,990
1807. Turkije3,986
1808. Gim Ohmic3,976
1809. The Divines3,971
1810. Muhfalc0n3,969
1811. Malachiplays3,968
1812. Irn Slack3,968
1813. Mr Snugly3,967
1814. Im Gerrald953,966
1815. Paradox943,961
1816. Krisbra3,958
1817. Reaping Vi3,953
1818. Rubys Dead3,942
1819. Mattynok3,941
1820. Runner0ne3,938
1821. 1120 Nails3,920
1822. Krooosk3,913
1823. Tw0pack3,908
1824. Pot Cms3,908
1825. Mitoma3,900
1826. Viking W3,895
1827. B1g Dog Chad3,894
1828. Gim Lannie3,877
1829. Rockarmman3,874
1830. Rwf3,872
1831. Go Bestie3,865
1832. Alejo3,861
1833. Kaylaving3,860
1834. Dilutetortie3,858
1835. Gaysometimes3,858
1836. 4d Entity3,856
1837. Hds3,854
1838. Pirate Wook3,852
1839. Knotstuck3,849
1840. Femboy Iron3,848
1841. Zurielsmagic3,848
1842. Hattara3,840
1843. Woadblu3,836
1844. Encampo3,826
1845. Flenis3,825
1846. Uimuim3,825
1847. Miss Flicks3,825
1848. Fox Face3,819
1849. Fe Sarex3,814
1850. Adderall3,812
1851. No Bow Bili3,805
1852. Fart Pilled3,804
1853. Fe Venom3,795
1854. Jmar3,794
1855. Faraonask3,787
1856. Eredania3,780
1857. Quest Item3,779
1858. He Was Numb13,775
1859. Pand Nh43,760
1860. $15.00 Donator Scaping3,752
1861. Armantidas3,750
1862. Enjossant3,736
1863. Max All Max3,735
1864. Capt Noddle3,720
1865. Jayden Btw3,717
1866. Gym Gains3,705
1867. Whatzitoooya3,698
1868. Dolata3,691
1869. Checkley3,689
1870. Company3,685
1871. Bald Sicknez3,681
1872. Frododo113,672
1873. Blok Klik3,669
1874. Fe Pinda3,659
1875. Ki O Tsukena3,658
1876. Fake Andy3,653
1877. Bailus Mango3,639
1878. Kobichan3,635
1879. Celoenian3,630
1880. Godbonesxd3,630
1881. Popcorn Col3,625
1882. W Insto N3,622
1883. Luna Noob3,608
1884. Chop Dolla3,602
1885. Youri3,601
1886. Biggest Fork3,599
1887. Swanguinesti3,594
1888. Supimflow3,583
1889. Mumlaren3,579
1890. Alsatians3,577
1891. Big Gun Ak473,573
1892. Panda Ji3,571
1893. Zukeal3,569
1894. Fsgismygoat3,566
1895. L4d13,563
1896. Shadowhazy3,550
1897. Playfulmoose3,543
1898. Lexix3,542
1899. Scuzz Os3,540
1900. Gio Vo Tam3,537
1901. Jordansgim3,528
1902. Nebby Gim3,528
1903. A Dab Of Wax3,525
1904. Wt Only Uim3,517
1905. Wasting Air3,515
1906. Gregproops3,508
1907. Boidy3,507
1908. Alemian3,499
1909. Bgonk Btw3,486
1910. Usefu13,480
1911. Jahbahjuice3,469
1912. X3 Fusion Ex3,465
1913. Poindexx3,461
1914. Normbi3,458
1915. M8l83,457
1916. Solek 33,441
1917. Grainesjrgim3,440
1918. Babewatch3,438
1919. Yo Homies3,434
1920. Groupdjinzb3,432
1921. Bruiserking3,432
1922. Mini Weh3,431
1923. Ph3rry3,425
1924. Michael410003,424
1925. Evil Yeti3,423
1926. Mclandoiron3,420
1927. Fuzzy Vision3,416
1928. Lycan Girl3,413
1929. Ohly3,412
1930. Swampyy3,400
1931. Jekb3,400
1932. Z2oh3,388
1933. Balisongg3,383
1934. Nmb3,382
1935. Sunshane3,381
1936. Sanelma3,381
1937. Gim Mortar3,380
1938. Sosathedemon3,377
1939. Koalalala3,376
1940. Batmanbtw3,371
1941. Bobrsidian3,366
1942. Kwemmy3,358
1943. Potifer3,356
1944. Hugo Simberg3,355
1945. Pray4toes3,353
1946. Gimprseron3,352
1947. Big Sorry3,350
1948. Iron Phoxine3,348
1949. Mrghostx3,348
1950. Thudson3,347
1951. S T A G3,333
1952. Hurupaya3,330
1953. Spoood3,325
1954. Petredish3,324
1955. Neferxxpitou3,323
1956. Yewse3,319
1957. Accursio3,312
1958. Konychldarmy3,307
1959. Lil Eepy3,306
1960. Bergart3,304
1961. Dat Boi Nero3,302
1962. L Tyranitar3,293
1963. Amin Yaapusi3,292
1964. Hydrarhc3,290
1965. Tick Politie3,288
1966. Fading Minds3,282
1967. Toifus3,280
1968. Itsnot Steve3,274
1969. Ruh Dahn3,270
1970. Jai Me3,270
1971. Am Be R3,270
1972. Doobie Doer3,264
1973. Henry Scavil3,263
1974. Dolphinqu33n3,261
1975. Smiddlerx3,259
1976. Nicehcbtw3,253
1977. Zergilicous3,242
1978. Conpe3,241
1979. Dr Yosty3,240
1980. Care Nip3,239
1981. Biscottibody3,234
1982. Lux Fux3,232
1983. Gim Ecox3,232
1984. Dryldo3,231
1985. Adel0r3,224
1986. Lilykali3,220
1987. Frankudanku3,218
1988. Elyraa3,215
1989. Alfahan3,213
1990. Bosspross3,208
1991. Littlelad Bc3,208
1992. Manymacks3,208
1993. Maijamalkova3,207
1994. Carpentia3,199
1995. Beenchillin3,195
1996. Covid Acct3,194
1997. Bobaluuuuuuu3,190
1998. Zerkmission3,187
1999. Turtle Lemmy3,183
2000. Environmant3,177


1801. Raccoon Papa208,384
1802. Iron Maddogg208,158
1803. Lauriakaspvm207,875
1804. Fe Wavy207,608
1805. Mrjigglefe207,314
1806. Avian Law207,275
1807. Iron Isa8207,172
1808. Iron Kodie207,156
1809. Hampshire206,868
1810. Baxehe206,848
1811. Dr Dickinu206,774
1812. Broke Gim206,680
1813. Goost206,649
1814. Vinghiskan206,472
1815. Webben206,408
1816. Iron Jd206,261
1817. Ironcorf206,136
1818. 5r206,090
1819. Coldchilidog206,087
1820. Tylor2priff206,027
1821. Steinar 0287205,790
1822. Ironmageboss205,355
1823. Amaterqsu205,256
1824. One Ragnar205,231
1825. Clumpycrunch205,184
1826. Maijamalkova205,115
1827. Goblin Spoff204,670
1828. Bigbulli204,625
1829. I Outrank U204,248
1830. Hardygslayer204,000
1831. Basicjackblg203,795
1832. Nickbaltimus203,444
1833. Dead Amyr203,439
1834. W The Wasted203,375
1835. Zosc203,337
1836. Theorized203,274
1837. Uosew203,164
1838. Coldfuzion26203,124
1839. Dona Carmen203,056
1840. Frooti Booti202,767
1841. Easyasqcd202,376
1842. Iron Restore201,994
1843. Farming Boer201,991
1844. Yeezy 350 V2201,939
1845. Fe Arcane201,931
1846. Cxonnor201,824
1847. Bloblet201,782
1848. Bodyy201,659
1849. Gim Chado201,516
1850. Yonuh201,488
1851. Mein Kraft201,394
1852. Eimilee201,084
1853. Ithilmoog200,977
1854. Gim Xc3ss200,716
1855. R3ko Minks200,676
1856. See Log200,332
1857. Rakijaloza200,062
1858. Shartslurpie199,942
1859. Iron Camyo199,882
1860. Bros A Gim199,863
1861. Kimrie199,718
1862. Gekoswindler199,666
1863. Gim Bulletz199,489
1864. Kruszszczyty199,122
1865. Madam Toad199,015
1866. Seat Taster198,837
1867. K1ng Kushy198,831
1868. Monnky198,714
1869. Sleepy Beji198,460
1870. Kewpy Mayo198,442
1871. Tiny Dongus198,423
1872. Fishling198,395
1873. Cbc198,095
1874. Stop Bestie198,026
1875. Wheeze V2198,021
1876. Halepsauce197,861
1877. Lone Ely197,844
1878. Xx Ii197,837
1879. Im Jimbo197197,796
1880. Wobblenator197,782
1881. Paul Arcand197,456
1882. Permabulk197,430
1883. Sleazy Weezl197,364
1884. Gooch Im197,343
1885. Boogieko2197,329
1886. Me Fr197,327
1887. Oxydise197,162
1888. Astartes197,136
1889. Gurz197,102
1890. Ashi Origami197,010
1891. Gim Dalcma14196,968
1892. Axel Tangler196,864
1893. Weed Farm196,819
1894. Foods196,753
1895. R U N I C196,717
1896. Chillman196,673
1897. Rauta Jorma196,188
1898. Pol Jacky196,112
1899. Ironideaal195,791
1900. Renozuken195,689
1901. Iron Huff Jr195,649
1902. W Orx195,444
1903. Uraniumkilla195,400
1904. Im Yucky195,393
1905. Fullpantry195,198
1906. Biggjudiciem195,176
1907. Bunn Scapes194,949
1908. Simpin Gimp194,722
1909. Alleskomtgoe194,574
1910. Zamb Oh194,558
1911. Goonslave194,466
1912. Jagdeeznuts194,213
1913. Arpejo194,208
1914. Forts194,144
1915. Mango L0co194,014
1916. Gim Kossy193,825
1917. Iron Krijn193,253
1918. Mollusk Mike193,216
1919. Hop Bro L0l193,210
1920. B Arm193,137
1921. Summerbluez193,126
1922. Ironduddi1193,115
1923. Roisk193,040
1924. Lasagnetime192,764
1925. Hc Kapa192,743
1926. Iron Jobann192,656
1927. Melborp192,541
1928. Osmuntenwang192,174
1929. Pogne191,762
1930. Stillnotbow191,637
1931. Im 999191,604
1932. Found Legion191,411
1933. Bboy191,409
1934. Bk Fan Club191,345
1935. 5dudes1bank191,262
1936. Thedry191,068
1937. Slooper191,058
1938. Tecolotesfan190,828
1939. Rakiata190,680
1940. Moer Max190,569
1941. Samstrafe190,487
1942. Deshayesania190,317
1943. Matthias Ll190,201
1944. Dilfcutlery190,145
1945. Gettinganked190,016
1946. Good Pivot189,798
1947. Itionster189,757
1948. Intherobot189,742
1949. Marty 1189,544
1950. Yaas Again189,516
1951. Khao S189,389
1952. Laurynas189,262
1953. Paarse Poes189,098
1954. A Wet Wombat188,809
1955. Bootylad188,607
1956. Cereal Diet188,574
1957. Leande188,518
1958. Uim Xav188,350
1959. Wooooahnice188,301
1960. Sadge Otter188,275
1961. Solo Sp3ler188,029
1962. Ironbabyleg187,916
1963. The Don I187,777
1964. Givemeatlatl187,648
1965. Avachoo187,614
1966. Tingerbell69187,576
1967. Lichtekooi187,502
1968. Good Hc187,453
1969. W1te Wyvern186,941
1970. Frookers186,807
1971. 1frostysob186,740
1972. Velo Two186,608
1973. Jfike186,517
1974. Solo Purple186,413
1975. Fuetakishi186,336
1976. Endi186,223
1977. Skyfocker186,195
1978. Thurisons186,087
1979. Bearkoob186,044
1980. Methedmajora185,761
1981. Mmisery185,730
1982. Questrune12185,681
1983. Iron Ryan T185,511
1984. Pdawgthecrip185,418
1985. Ferus Ferrum185,319
1986. World 569185,280
1987. Gim Fuq185,254
1988. Donantelo185,250
1989. Iron Feun185,234
1990. Takis185,071
1991. Lithed185,037
1992. Aus Demon184,973
1993. Bad Aim Gim184,772
1994. Twizzt184,661
1995. Agilebee64184,660
1996. B U Z A N184,435
1997. Ohtoodles184,168
1998. Meowkiki183,960
1999. Tsitex Hc183,935
2000. Krit183,563


1801. Cashmuffins1,180,960
1802. Cuthbertlod1,180,711
1803. Jisska1,180,657
1804. Mowws1,180,291
1805. Magiturtle1,180,123
1806. Mryevrah1,180,093
1807. Rellie Sucks1,179,731
1808. Maew1,179,546
1809. Topless Adam1,179,097
1810. Ifencig1,179,019
1811. Crusader Im1,178,996
1812. Wintersnoose1,177,297
1813. Scroffus1,177,272
1814. Iron Hercc1,173,907
1815. Xhc Sirboris1,173,127
1816. Liverfailure1,172,699
1817. Ju1cegr1nder1,172,697
1818. Gayermusiq11,172,312
1819. $15.00 Donator Bopster1,172,286
1820. Loco Monster1,171,221
1821. Lets Boss1,170,355
1822. Frothy Groin1,170,304
1823. J Slack1,169,381
1824. Ch1mp Daddy1,169,286
1825. Grovstronk1,169,096
1826. Vycka Gim1,168,768
1827. Airless1,168,594
1828. Lostmyjob2rs1,168,321
1829. Pk Landlords1,167,982
1830. Sad Axolotl1,167,755
1831. Jahrlen1,167,469
1832. Avonak1,167,035
1833. Student Tort1,166,902
1834. Hari Potter1,166,658
1835. Omfg Uwu1,166,132
1836. $40.01 Donator Ryan1,166,100
1837. Hariss5401,164,738
1838. Webby31,164,287
1839. Arctic1,163,878
1840. Rllcky1,163,814
1841. Birdies1,163,797
1842. Wetravioli1,163,455
1843. Chainslawman1,163,449
1844. Glm Olm1,163,375
1845. Tekkies Nub1,162,732
1846. Toyshop1,162,595
1847. Cheesy 31,162,059
1848. Ferrouswheel1,159,893
1849. Iron Jogi1,158,354
1850. Rizhou1,157,138
1851. 0gdon Morrow1,156,794
1852. Maiikules1,155,353
1853. Peachyogurt1,155,140
1854. Jamsterman251,154,638
1855. District1,154,232
1856. Anhedoniaa1,154,210
1857. Carrotpom1,153,464
1858. $40.69 Donator OCD1,153,321
1859. Julie Thecat1,153,184
1860. Lohisaurus1,152,712
1861. Slooper1,152,583
1862. Flerm1,152,330
1863. Curipolymath1,152,086
1864. Iron Maddogg1,151,332
1865. Pm Lvl31,150,945
1866. Sdklfsdflkjs1,150,207
1867. M L K E1,149,317
1868. Derronious1,149,186
1869. Pokifeet1,149,117
1870. Im Kibbeling1,148,769
1871. Cookiev31,148,645
1872. Ex Files1,148,491
1873. Rmve1,148,360
1874. Orange Spice1,148,049
1875. Cakesie1,147,929
1876. Ulyte1,147,552
1877. Muhfs1,145,592
1878. Rob Haisi1,145,488
1879. Codeys Iron1,144,586
1880. Vertin1,144,562
1881. Hbrav1,143,793
1882. Group Cubix1,143,211
1883. Jointhehood1,142,958
1884. Hovland1,142,282
1885. Birdhome1,141,957
1886. The Dummy7771,141,554
1887. Monkeyinlife1,141,486
1888. Rolling Kush1,141,314
1889. Gim Ozamabin1,140,292
1890. Nomadsupa1,140,017
1891. Ne 01,140,000
1892. Bubbia1,139,940
1893. Stupidquests1,139,323
1894. Alkalis Btw1,139,089
1895. Daearo1,139,030
1896. Fishinthesea1,138,733
1897. Carmineexile1,137,763
1898. Zbus1,137,570
1899. Saleen S71,137,467
1900. Ironlighted1,137,409
1901. Purpleish Fe1,136,989
1902. Ironhampuusi1,136,461
1903. Alaystore1,136,296
1904. Lonely Spoon1,135,944
1905. Swan On Legs1,134,951
1906. Themartian1,134,364
1907. Grassman271,134,001
1908. Bl0x1,133,632
1909. Andanjet1,133,545
1910. Magerman221,133,167
1911. Calorie1,132,808
1912. Rj Is Uim1,132,366
1913. Bigz141,131,815
1914. Ruuhpetitive1,131,728
1915. Smiddy691,131,708
1916. Nemesis1,131,445
1917. Adarsh9991,131,382
1918. Xgunblade1,130,738
1919. Tyluh1,130,540
1920. Ixane1,129,940
1921. Hcgimckennon1,129,300
1922. No Diary1,128,941
1923. Alex B Ii1,128,909
1924. Irontelluric1,128,656
1925. Kinky Konar1,128,094
1926. Niet Te Doen1,128,074
1927. Ironbanaco1,127,975
1928. I Used To1,127,965
1929. Harnish1,127,948
1930. Dumb Ironman1,127,720
1931. Acetaldehido1,127,614
1932. Dmforonlyfan1,127,239
1933. You Are Nice1,127,061
1934. Ahh Fricki1,126,653
1935. I Cant Neet1,126,000
1936. Lemeowski1,125,863
1937. Khaotic Iron1,125,820
1938. Empty String1,125,786
1939. Uim Redshark1,125,183
1940. Chalupa Xxl1,125,155
1941. Elaro Saldar1,125,022
1942. Im Souls1,124,534
1943. Ok Bro1,124,203
1944. Sg Kyzan1,123,458
1945. Euro Latin1,123,205
1946. Aeckersssss1,123,065
1947. Flvrry1,121,353
1948. Davorkinator1,118,822
1949. Koftah1,118,702
1950. J0sephino1,118,602
1951. Xmikey1,118,429
1952. Peterr941,117,627
1953. Groupcuckler1,117,314
1954. Oregonplayer1,116,508
1955. Hovmeizter1,116,385
1956. P E N O U1,116,342
1957. Grimwalkie1,115,987
1958. Gim Pale1,115,780
1959. Gs Big Chad1,115,217
1960. Char1le1,115,173
1961. Maewi1,115,103
1962. D Igz1,114,557
1963. Buygf5kohw81,114,228
1964. Hcpotatolegs1,113,133
1965. Tar Tar Saws1,113,073
1966. Frike1,112,696
1967. Im Chal1,112,675
1968. Vandarkholme1,112,312
1969. Stingraymd1,112,068
1970. Veenser Uim1,111,986
1971. Ng21,110,771
1972. Stop Bestie1,110,532
1973. Makherkwuarm1,109,815
1974. Shawnos Iron1,109,725
1975. Vvlf1,109,442
1976. Youresoez1,109,346
1977. The Bleach1,109,300
1978. Piksenool1,109,237
1979. Goben1,108,855
1980. Elias Everic1,107,944
1981. Bond Khalifa1,107,449
1982. Twerky Szn1,106,521
1983. Rauta Eeli1,106,384
1984. Sharktrainer1,106,340
1985. Juny Rambo1,106,280
1986. Atomskchild1,106,133
1987. Nekonomori1,105,697
1988. Makkan1,105,384
1989. Sir Dwh1,105,372
1990. Zilyana Ir1,105,054
1991. Sleepy Rc1,105,000
1992. Os Sgf1,104,940
1993. Wetpinkcanoe1,104,876
1994. Iron Vjenne1,104,855
1995. Monte Leo1,104,820
1996. Ddsdds551,104,117
1997. Omegadubs1,104,076
1998. Kitingishard1,103,784
1999. Iron Jakkeyy1,103,389
2000. Tagnazsk1,103,172
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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