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Cooking Hiscores: Current Top for Oblv 03 06 2016

  |   Year ->


1. The Man1,040,187


1. Crannberry2,178,552
2. Rsvp1,438,306
3. The Man1,040,187
4. Gerjan97,565
5. Faen8,000
6. Figwit7,245
7. Tankerton7,200
8. Knight Of 34,825


1. The Man5,968,150
2. Rsvp3,064,746
3. Street Race2,615,840
4. Crannberry2,186,552
5. Gerjan834,929
6. Ron380,965
7. S0tv207,070
8. Birkenstock120,520
9. D1vine R1ght75,345
10. Bic55,565
11. Tankerton48,256
12. M1ke5022,110
13. Knight Of 321,303
14. Joeyyyr4714,880
15. Rng God13,755
16. Old Man Bob12,936
17. Zoobie11,648
18. H Exagon10,535
19. Exp Nerd9,110
20. Magnautism8,255
21. Chiichii8,000
22. Faen8,000
23. Mike Hunt8,000
24. Sick Irony8,000
25. Figwit7,905
26. D4tchy6,230
27. Soul Splitin5,550
28. Frozen Rain1,890
29. Sam Knight1,755
30. Jokr1,710
31. Brittanys1,495
32. Shinigami780
33. Beans1991721
34. Flooga450
35. S Hea245
36. Rhino140
37. Dellies121
38. Pineapples118
39. Pmy39118
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

Player Group