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Competition: Rock Skill Of The Week May 26th 2023

Start End Gain Updated
121. Queen Biiz94,032,17994,048,839+16,660
122. Daddy Mental69,751,77869,767,398+15,620
123. Gunner 64149,323,885149,338,885+15,000
124. Her Favorite58,960,23658,974,922+14,686
125. Nissa Range28,026,71928,040,528+13,809
126. W0lof16,257,89116,271,621+13,730
127. Mysyndrome14,270,15214,281,899+11,747
128. Rxstrength19,195,92119,206,624+10,703
129. Dark Prlnce66,346,02166,356,533+10,512
130. Vendirzy12,442,87812,453,061+10,183
131. Amesteru75,122,20175,129,624+7,423
132. Luis Frm12,866,70112,872,479+5,778
133. Wet Blumpkin51,328,83851,334,479+5,641
134. J3llydonut55,859,41555,863,970+4,555
135. Farmer  Dave169,288,361169,292,337+3,976
136. Altrox699,147,6829,150,382+2,700
137. Samorytoure67,929,40967,931,784+2,375
138. Ur Done M81,145,6241,147,862+2,238
139. 1st Stripe6,713,6826,715,771+2,089
140. The King Old429,941431,916+1,975
141. Rypej3lly44,186,98744,188,030+1,043
142. Mangeleriche152,792,600152,793,500+900
143. Forsakenu281,006,062281,006,951+889
144. Yourdoneman227,740228,580+840
145. Gunsa6439,449,44139,450,206+765
146. Daddyrawdawg98,660,79898,661,495+697
147. Lower Tanker817,641818,206+565
148. Dowse232,868,443232,868,618+175
149. 0 Nuri 0134,345,710134,345,7100
150. 241227,852,07927,852,0790

Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200

Warning: This competition contains 46 player names that are not in the database. These names are listed on the statistics page.