Inspect Name Change

Approve Deny (Requires password)
This name change has already been requested.
Orelordxal is not on the hiscores
Oreolordxal is on the hiscores
Time change: +12,381,897 seconds.
EHP change: +53 hours
0+13,472,058 (139074214-125602156)
1+896,265 (9967954-9071689)
2+492,414 (7310490-6818076)
3+1,068,805 (10401569-9332764)
4+1,176,141 (14862090-13685949)
5+779,579 (13156469-12376890)
>6+98,015 (2424634-2326619)
7+574,748 (5425240-4850492)
8+16,515 (5806340-5789825)
9+182,728 (2865061-2682333)
10+201,675 (5715395-5513720)
11+251,011 (3276293-3025282)
12+2,650,522 (15092114-12441592)
13+162,553 (2476859-2314306)
14+338,979 (2866762-2527783)
15+2,045,483 (13764498-11719015)
16+23,686 (2052365-2028679)
17+264,850 (2163480-1898630)
18+718,630 (2602554-1883924)
19+244,458 (4489243-4244785)
20+524,147 (2407910-1883763)
21+613,158 (4794607-4181449)
22+27,987 (1700830-1672843)
23+119,709 (3451457-3331748)
Negative experience changes: 0/0

Auto approve conditions:
1: (5) true
2: (1) false
3: (1) true
4: (2) true
5: (1) false
6: (required) true | false