Inspect Name Change

Approve Deny (Requires password)
This name change has already been requested.
Pepper N Boo is not on the hiscores
Olawdterry is on the hiscores
Time change: +9,519,682 seconds.
EHP change: +56 hours
>0+21,829,637 (143882072-122052435)
1+883,914 (10003112-9119198)
2+1,854,566 (8910078-7055512)
3+244,720 (13710787-13466067)
4+1,630,474 (18371267-16740793)
5+1,202,390 (14535890-13333500)
6+2,011,582 (5346356-3334774)
7+632,740 (10686031-10053291)
8+13,059 (6918103-6905044)
9+169,521 (992913-823392)
10+1,298,463 (3258841-1960378)
11+18,152 (5924051-5905899)
12+240,262 (1879271-1639009)
13+7,819,702 (13062550-5242848)
14+82,503 (3045467-2962964)
15+37,353 (1454270-1416917)
16+126,132 (5528080-5401948)
17+383,169 (2105285-1722116)
18+734,107 (1986456-1252349)
19+958,934 (7832406-6873472)
20+764,296 (2230925-1466629)
21+128,083 (2243212-2115129)
22+592,295 (1406799-814504)
23+3,220 (2449922-2446702)
Negative experience changes: 0/0

Auto approve conditions:
1: (5) true
2: (1) false
3: (1) true
4: (2) true
5: (1) false
6: (required) true | false