Inspect Name Change
Approve Deny (Requires password)
This name change has already been requested.
Blowmedudefr is not on the hiscoresCeoassasin is on the hiscoresTime change:
+471,678 seconds.
EHP change:
+41 hours
| 0 | +5,764,204 (96894300-91130096) |
| 1 | +198 (2014977-2014779) |
| 2 | +151,355 (1576509-1425154) |
| 3 | +812 (13083025-13082213) |
| 4 | +28,738 (9349149-9320411) |
| 5 | +7,866 (13105310-13097444) |
| 6 | +2,490 (1990218-1987728) |
| 7 | +27,193 (17614601-17587408) |
| 8 | +52 (776109-776057) |
| 9 | +41,100 (884598-843498) |
| 10 | 0 (757505-757505) |
| 11 | 0 (844472-844472) |
| 12 | 0 (106841-106841) |
| 13 | +655,250 (1668908-1013658) |
| 14 | +1,584,827 (4850149-3265322) |
| 15 | +40,210 (958584-918374) |
| 16 | +40,178 (2233009-2192831) |
| 17 | +2,270,903 (4755996-2485093) |
| 18 | +85,436 (302381-216945) |
| 19 | 0 (2274339-2274339) |
| >20 | +747,572 (3594098-2846526) |
| 21 | 0 (176205-176205) |
| 22 | +40,024 (902723-862699) |
| 23 | +40,000 (13074594-13034594) |
Negative experience changes: 1/7
Auto approve conditions:
1: (5) true
2: (1) true
3: (1) true
4: (2) true
5: (1) true
6: (required) true | false
Transfer mode