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Inspect Name Change

Approve Deny (Requires password)
This name change has already been requested.
Sdrawkcabdet is not on the hiscores
Cashbaggins is on the hiscores
Time change: +170,061 seconds.
EHP change: +1 hours
>0+249,904 (120133261-119883357)
10 (11877294-11877294)
20 (9879970-9879970)
30 (13193759-13193759)
40 (16291616-16291616)
50 (11107395-11107395)
60 (1300683-1300683)
7+5,106 (4930495-4925389)
80 (17498552-17498552)
90 (2007520-2007520)
100 (1538010-1538010)
11+199,680 (6564147-6364467)
120 (2858903-2858903)
13+25,473 (1943308-1917835)
140 (974645-974645)
15+19,045 (3886914-3867869)
160 (566949-566949)
170 (872310-872310)
180 (7611069-7611069)
190 (862560-862560)
200 (2330517-2330517)
21+600 (292129-291529)
220 (657218-657218)
230 (1087298-1087298)
Negative experience changes: 2/4

Auto approve conditions:
1: (5) true
2: (1) true
3: (1) true
4: (2) true
5: (1) true
6: (required) true | false
Transfer mode