Boss | Kills | Rank | EHB |
Abyssal Sire | 0 | -59,033 | 0 |
Alchemical Hydra | +59 | +3,268 | +2.19 |
Barrows Chests | 0 | -91,253 | 0 |
Bryophyta | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Callisto | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cerberus | +46 | -457,182 | 0 |
Chambers of Xeric | -833 | +23,701 | -238.00 |
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode | -2,690 | +10,654 | -1,494.44 |
Chaos Elemental | +1,528 | -8,050 | +25.47 |
Chaos Fanatic | +1,503 | -368 | +15.03 |
Commander Zilyana | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Corporeal Beast | -7 | +209,340 | -0.50 |
Crazy Archaeologist | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Dagannoth Prime | +412 | +55,884 | +4.29 |
Dagannoth Rex | -131 | +108,626 | -1.36 |
Dagannoth Supreme | +80 | -123,064 | +0.83 |
Deranged Archaeologist | -53 | +76,733 | 0 |
General Graardor | +687 | -54,763 | +22.90 |
Giant Mole | -621 | -63,679 | -6.90 |
Grotesque Guardians | -61 | +96,278 | -2.03 |
Hespori | -145 | -24,258 | 0 |
Kalphite Queen | -572 | +3,652 | -16.34 |
>King Black Dragon | +602 | +26,555 | +5.47 |
Kraken | -736 | -72,622 | -9.20 |
Kree'Arra | +302 | -14,355 | +10.79 |
K'ril Tsutsaroth | +1,955 | -6,569 | +48.88 |
Mimic | +1,680 | +77,838 | 0 |
Nightmare | +1,971 | +366,405 | 0 |
Obor | -606 | +20,373 | 0 |
Sarachnis | -81 | +90,379 | -1.35 |
Scorpia | +708 | +39,400 | +7.08 |
Skotizo | -1,416 | -435,544 | 0 |
The Gauntlet | -1,841 | +33,535 | -184.10 |
The Corrupted Gauntlet | -469 | -36,634 | -62.53 |
Theatre of Blood | +562 | +77,233 | +187.33 |
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil | +1,757 | +16,236 | +15.97 |
TzKal-Zuk | +3,757 | -37,347 | +4,696.25 |
TzTok-Jad | +733 | -19,041 | +366.50 |
Venenatis | +217 | -61,612 | +4.93 |
Vet'ion | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Vorkath | +8 | -28,088 | +0.25 |
Wintertodt | -501 | +17,244 | 0 |
Zalcano | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Zulrah | -1,798 | +889 | -51.37 |
EHB | +6,006 | - | +3,346.02 |
Showing last 365d
Earliest: 359d 13h ago
XP drop: in 16d 15h
Checked: 7h 51m ago
Changed: 50d 19h ago
Showing last 365d
Earliest: 359d 13h ago
XP drop: in 16d 15h
Checked: 7h 51m ago
Changed: 50d 19h ago