Boss | Kills | Rank | EHB |
>Abyssal Sire | +1 | -27,354 | 0 |
Alchemical Hydra | +9 | +11,199 | +0.33 |
Barrows Chests | +911 | +195,994 | 0 |
Bryophyta | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Callisto | 0 | -16,937 | 0 |
Cerberus | +10 | -88,716 | 0 |
Chambers of Xeric | +47,775 | +96,582 | +13,650.00 |
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode | -187 | +143,541 | -103.89 |
Chaos Elemental | +228 | -113,648 | +3.80 |
Chaos Fanatic | +176 | +5,198 | +1.76 |
Commander Zilyana | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Corporeal Beast | -42 | +122,946 | -3.00 |
Crazy Archaeologist | -26 | +96,518 | 0 |
Dagannoth Prime | -811 | -90,682 | -8.45 |
Dagannoth Rex | -513 | -273,522 | -5.34 |
Dagannoth Supreme | -34 | -141,388 | -0.35 |
Deranged Archaeologist | +26 | -152,613 | 0 |
General Graardor | +1,287 | -10,912 | +42.90 |
Giant Mole | +378 | +43,150 | +4.20 |
Grotesque Guardians | -59 | +26,196 | -1.97 |
Hespori | -83 | -118,109 | 0 |
Kalphite Queen | -477 | +4,408 | -13.63 |
King Black Dragon | -545 | -43,367 | -4.95 |
Kraken | -447 | -18,033 | -5.59 |
Kree'Arra | +110 | -55,264 | +3.93 |
K'ril Tsutsaroth | +740 | -34,591 | +18.50 |
Mimic | +659 | +115,901 | 0 |
Nightmare | +457 | +76,002 | 0 |
Obor | -225 | -109,742 | 0 |
Sarachnis | +40 | +463,232 | +0.67 |
Scorpia | +208 | -11,743 | +2.08 |
Skotizo | -72 | -29,211 | 0 |
The Gauntlet | -1,163 | +99,160 | -116.30 |
The Corrupted Gauntlet | -93 | -579,513 | -12.40 |
Theatre of Blood | +39 | +12,005 | +13.00 |
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil | +503 | -12,097 | +4.57 |
TzKal-Zuk | +1,294 | -124,305 | +1,617.50 |
TzTok-Jad | -180 | -81,155 | -90.00 |
Venenatis | +7 | -169,466 | +0.16 |
Vet'ion | +5 | -257,038 | +0.17 |
Vorkath | +5 | -49,681 | +0.16 |
Wintertodt | -82 | -40,072 | 0 |
Zalcano | +309 | +138,025 | 0 |
Zulrah | +33 | -30,356 | +0.94 |
EHB | +50,171 | - | +14,998.79 |
Showing last 365d
Earliest: 364d 7h ago
XP drop: in 2d 17h
Checked: 10m 17s ago
Changed: 15h 58m ago
Showing last 365d
Earliest: 364d 7h ago
XP drop: in 2d 17h
Checked: 10m 17s ago
Changed: 15h 58m ago