Boss | Kills | Rank | EHB |
>Abyssal Sire | 0 | -1,120 | 0 |
Alchemical Hydra | 0 | -73 | 0 |
Barrows Chests | 0 | -2,279 | 0 |
Bryophyta | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Callisto | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cerberus | +6 | +45,492 | 0 |
Chambers of Xeric | -886 | +21,672 | -253.14 |
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode | -1,804 | -10,816 | -1,002.22 |
Chaos Elemental | +2,690 | -10,948 | +44.83 |
Chaos Fanatic | -1,192 | +12,807 | -11.92 |
Commander Zilyana | +1,214 | -12,176 | +26.98 |
Corporeal Beast | -7 | +215,433 | -0.50 |
Crazy Archaeologist | +7 | -216,337 | 0 |
Dagannoth Prime | -842 | +69,638 | -8.77 |
Dagannoth Rex | +701 | +36,466 | +7.30 |
Dagannoth Supreme | +141 | -106,626 | +1.47 |
Deranged Archaeologist | -53 | +78,075 | 0 |
General Graardor | -159 | -58,103 | -5.30 |
Giant Mole | -696 | -6,933 | -7.73 |
Grotesque Guardians | +853 | +84,089 | +28.43 |
Hespori | -241 | -86,244 | 0 |
Kalphite Queen | -714 | +7,845 | -20.40 |
King Black Dragon | -40 | +3,501 | -0.36 |
Kraken | +14 | -4,087 | +0.18 |
Kree'Arra | +1,042 | -18,666 | +37.21 |
K'ril Tsutsaroth | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Mimic | -535 | +69,370 | 0 |
Nightmare | +597 | +321,625 | 0 |
Obor | -679 | -365,401 | 0 |
Sarachnis | +737 | +70,027 | +12.28 |
Scorpia | -75 | +3,535 | -0.75 |
Skotizo | -1,370 | -70,426 | 0 |
The Gauntlet | -1,910 | +27,147 | -191.00 |
The Corrupted Gauntlet | +2,838 | -19,212 | +378.40 |
Theatre of Blood | +507 | +74,139 | +169.00 |
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil | +102 | -67,774 | +0.93 |
TzKal-Zuk | 0 | 0 | 0 |
TzTok-Jad | +7 | -26,677 | +3.50 |
Venenatis | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Vet'ion | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Vorkath | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Wintertodt | -501 | +17,830 | 0 |
Zalcano | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Zulrah | -3,819 | -17,603 | -109.11 |
EHB | -4,067 | - | -900.70 |
Showing last 7d
Earliest: 6d 22h ago
XP drop: in 9h 21m
Checked: 0s ago
Changed: 2h 26m ago
319d 10h out of date
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Showing last 7d
Earliest: 6d 22h ago
XP drop: in 9h 21m
Checked: 0s ago
Changed: 2h 26m ago
319d 10h out of date
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