
Create competition from Downy Dan and The Boys
Current Top for Downy Dan and The Boys
Records for Downy Dan and The Boys

Group ID: 16916
Total names in group: 8
Total names in database: 5
Total datapoints: 1,418
Total efficient time played: 7,050 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 5
Average virtual total level: 2,244
Average virtual combat level: 133.2
Total XP: 2,016,776,716
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 19,110
Total XP gained this month: 19,110

Average XP of each player:
403,355,343 xp
24,988,855 xp (lvl 105)
18,831,178 xp (lvl 102)
38,601,759 xp (lvl 109)
49,898,221 xp (lvl 112)
48,966,453 xp (lvl 112)
9,941,995 xp (lvl 96)
25,094,261 xp (lvl 105)
13,043,734 xp (lvl 99)
13,793,081 xp (lvl 99)
11,268,456 xp (lvl 97)
13,243,252 xp (lvl 99)
12,887,186 xp (lvl 98)
11,716,013 xp (lvl 97)
8,864,344 xp (lvl 95)
16,020,382 xp (lvl 101)
7,969,908 xp (lvl 94)
9,525,311 xp (lvl 95)
10,942,825 xp (lvl 97)
14,776,046 xp (lvl 100)
14,353,309 xp (lvl 99)
12,174,253 xp (lvl 98)
9,158,132 xp (lvl 95)
7,296,380 xp (lvl 93)

Players in group (8):
1. Rag Lavas
2. Rag Gdz
3. Ihk
4. Zazlin
5. Raw Dog Phil
6. Brittenenan
7. Maxability
8. Rip Aviiicii

Players in group not in database (0):

Players in group not on hiscores (3):
1. Brittenenan
2. Raw Dog Phil
3. Rip Aviiicii
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