Total Melee XP

Attack XP + Strength XP + Defence XP

1. Wazzy Xd600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
2. Ownageskill600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
3. Sjonniedream600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
4. Love600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
5. Valuza600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
6. Eeyore600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
7. Agen600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
8. 23 Can H2o600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
9. Skills 0wnez600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
10. Ewife600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
11. Killerdeluxe600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
12. Cuddlybear600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
13. Salamander600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
14. Beewee23600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
15. Simon600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
16. Saney600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
17. Little Smurf600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
18. Blaste600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
19. Spdavis600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
20. Bigmurderer600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
21. Gainey600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
22. Crayola600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
23. Arr600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
24. Majke600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
25. Loucetios600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
26. Liep25600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
27. Jragon600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
28. Pirachu600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
29. Midas600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
30. Strawberries600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
31. Kyler600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
32. Godzilla600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
33. Flem600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
34. Dat Pro600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
35. Reitan600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
36. Axiomatic600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
37. Runemidgart600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
38. Barge600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
39. Stefanny600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
40. Roger Al600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
41. Unicef600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
42. Swarlly600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
43. Xps600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
44. Polydactylus600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
45. Wosby600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
46. Mark H600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
47. Wokkafumpe600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
48. Scarpy600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
49. 24 7 365600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
50. Hostile600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
51. Elba600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
52. Es600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
53. Ice600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
54. Daniel94600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
55. Elvis600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
56. Gaur Thoron600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
57. Oddsome600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
58. Dung Titan600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
59. Brid Me600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
60. 11slifer600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
61. Tiffrum600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
62. Blobdj600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
63. Ecentrah600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
64. Ellieuphoria600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
65. Spitter600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
66. Kingduffy600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
67. Joona600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
68. Omid600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
69. Visitor600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
70. Cobalt Aqua600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
71. Juggo600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
72. Mr Bob600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
73. Cedd600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
74. Friendly600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
75. Gwn3600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
76. Yomi600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
77. Foox600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
78. Rustynodday600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
79. Zalttar600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
80. Dougie600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
81. Minicherry600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
82. Bubblenab600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
83. Kanketsu600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
84. Beijtje600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
85. Fantm Regime600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
86. Dennis Duff600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
87. Raslak600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
88. Ice Hannu600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
89. Wiseoldm6n600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
90. Aurelia600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
91. Hr Alfa600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
92. Laban22600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
93. Arceus192600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
94. Dxnxex7600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
95. 300600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
96. True Miles600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
97. Rsruinedme600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
98. Azeleon600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
99. Blingothing600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
100. Couchy600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
101. 6s600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
102. Cheekykt13600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
103. Im Rami600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
104. Cyrus H600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
105. Lucky Luke600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
106. Reaction600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
107. Stackless600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
108. Eyekon600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
109. Nicolas600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
110. Killah Punx600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
111. Countmeout2600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
112. Ystin600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
113. Ethereal199600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
114. Jv600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
115. Habjan600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
116. Dyt I Bamsen600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
117. Ryfy600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
118. Ahmid600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
119. Eiknaxui600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
120. Flanders Ned600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
121. P1c4600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
122. Zodo600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
123. Growlithe600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
124. Dirty Karl600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
125. Xlus600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
126. Dampen600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
127. Divergence600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
128. Lariejjj600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
129. Death Gripz600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
130. Sensation600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
131. Lunies600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
132. Atyrex600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
133. Maddi600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
134. Stats To Max600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
135. Braincell600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
136. Slaughtersam600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
137. Magical600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
138. The Mehukas600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
139. Zac600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
140. Its Jord600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
141. Mccaine600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
142. Lightjoy600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
143. J00st600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
144. 113 Ranger99600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
145. Shadowtje600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
146. Sal600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
147. Elf600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
148. Turjilin600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
149. 120slay600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
150. Cringeworth600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
151. Nils Einar600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
152. Tentacruel600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
153. Skulled Hunt600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
154. Zuu600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
155. Meme Girl600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
156. Kraiger600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
157. Yoloium600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
158. R4nge3600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
159. Naughtey600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
160. 122068600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
161. Le Kenny600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
162. Vorago600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
163. Crystalfarm600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
164. Animadom600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
165. Hot Pot600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
166. Persiadragon600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
167. Darkscape600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
168. Butterfree600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
169. 2cool 2care600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
170. Jona Than600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
171. Unohdettu2600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
172. Starkdizzle600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
173. Henrec600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
174. Mike 1600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
175. Itrolledu600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
176. Wai600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
177. Dawndragon2600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
178. Cavitybug600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
179. Deborah600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
180. Villiama600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
181. Iron Perse600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
182. Aurora600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
183. Punk Music600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
184. Skrue600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
185. Zappy600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
186. Ajei600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
187. Marsayas600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
188. Ihy600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
189. Evu600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
190. Isacan600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
191. Joni600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
192. Paly600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
193. L   I  M  E600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
194. G9600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
195. Vggrcm600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
196. Cowboystm600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
197. Hamsta600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
198. Litsea600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
199. Maple Logs600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)
200. Osku7600,000,000  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 200,000,000)

Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200
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